
Why was Russia's intelligence on Al-Qaeda ignored?
Why was Russia's intelligence on Al-Qaeda ignored?

Back in March Moscow's Permanent Mission at the UN submitted to the UN
Security Council an unprecedentedly detailed report on Al-Qaeda's
terrorist infrastructure in Afghanistan, but the US government opted not
to act. To find out why - and to discover the astonishing degree of
information contained in that report - buy the latest special issue of
Jane's Intelligence Digest online for just $36.

Jane's Intelligence Digest's analysis of this Russian report, leaked
from the highest levels of the UN, uncovers the following revelations:

The breathtaking extent of intelligence data tabled by the Russians

The degree of Pakistani military and security involvement in Afghanistan

The extent of the Taliban's involvement in drug trafficking

The key reasons why the US Administration didn't seize the initiative
and act upon the intelligence given.

As the US-led coalition embarks on the war against terrorism, Jane's
Intelligence Digest is at the forefront of the geopolitical issues
behind the military action. As well as studying the implications of the
leaked Russian report, the latest issue of Jane's Intelligence Digest
also contains unique and insightful analysis on the following:

The problems associated with closing down the funding for Al-Qaeda

With Western leaders now discussing the concept of a Palestinian state,
the chances for brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal in the
current climate

The effects of the growing international coalition against terrorism for
the nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Beyond the need for increased funding and emphasis on human intelligence
on the ground, the war on terrorism's requirement for a solid, permanent
political commitment as a requisite for success.

Jane's Intelligence Digest has consistently shown itself to be ahead of
the curve in its coverage of current geopolitical issues. Its latest
analysis proves yet again that this groundbreaking Jane's title has the
answers to questions other media organisations haven't even asked yet.

So find out why more and more analysts are using Jane's Intelligence
Digest as their global early warning service by filling out the online
order form for the latest special issue.

To receive this special extended issue for $36, simply fill in the order
form using the link below. The report (available in Portable Document
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