
 Only a 
> cynical person like myself, might believe that this whole anthrax 
deal was 
> an attempt by the government to build war paranoia and to justify 
an attack 
> on civil liberties!>>>

Tell me about it. :-)

On 21 Dec 01, at 15:40, mart wrote:

> ---------------------------
> Of course the CIA is not involved in the anthrax in the mail. The CIA is 
> only allowed to murder foreigners! It would be illegal for them to murder 
> American citizens....particularly, respectable, well off, white ones! Only a 
> cynical person like myself, might believe that this whole anthrax deal was 
> an attempt by the government to build war paranoia and to justify an attack 
> on civil liberties!
> mart
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 2:09 PM
> Subject: CIA Admits Using Anthrax But Claim No Link To Letters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
>  ---------------------------
>  By David Ensor
> CNN Washington Bureau
> 12-17-1
> WASHINGTON (CNN) - The CIA uses anthrax in its bio-warfare program 
> but the bacteria did not make it into tainted letters sent to two 
> U.S. senators and several news organizations, an agency official 
> said Sunday.
> The confirmation that the CIA has anthrax comes less than a week 
> after the U.S. Army admitted it has produced small amounts of the 
> potentially deadly bacteria for years.
> But, just as Army officials denied any connection to the anthrax 
> letters, a CIA official said the anthrax detected in letters sent 
> earlier this fall "absolutely did not" come from CIA labs.
> The Washington Post reported Sunday that the FBI is focusing its 
> anthrax investigation on a contractor who worked with the CIA. The 
> ewspaper said the contractor may be the source of the "Ames strain" 
> of anthrax found in letters sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom 
> Daschle, Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, NBC News' anchor Tom Brokaw and 
> everal other news organizations. But the CIA official, while 
> confirming the agency has small amounts of the Ames strain for 
> testing purposes, told CNN "we did not grow, create or produce" the 
> anthrax in the letters, and "we are not the source of this material."
> Meanwhile, experts continued Sunday to fumigate the Hart Senate 
> Office building, closed since aides in Daschle's office opened a 
> letter filled with anthrax spores on October 17.
> "This was very serious anthrax, very highly milled and very 
> dangerous," House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt said Sunday. 
> "This certainly has been a tougher decontamination job than anybody 
> xpected."
> The FBI is looking for someone or some group who began sending 
> nthrax-laced letters through the mail in mid-September. Five people 
> have died in recent months of inhalation anthrax, including three 
> postal or mail-room employees.

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