
  Of course -- the news media are lying...[fill in the blanks] just as 
responsible for the pillage and slaughter carried out by the 
mecenaries of the NWO as the mercenaries themselves.  Keep 
this in mind the next time you're attending a protest and standing 
beside some bloak from the press.  You might introduce your fist 
to his nose and, upon hitting the ground, your shoes to his face. 

On 21 Dec 01, at 15:04, mart wrote:

> ---------------------------
> I somehow doubt this. Previous to the Gulf war, the U.S and it's German proxies, 
>poured literally *billions* of dollars in weapons and other military aid into their 
>then "ally" Iraq. Now these same bastards would have us believe that despite 10 years 
> of murderous and debilitating sanctions, a full blown naval blockade and ongoing 
> and continuous air raids, the Iraqi's have somehow miraculously rebuilt their 
>military strength to  pre 1991 levels! This so called "news" item is an obvious 
>propaganda plant, designed to justify another war with Iraq.
> mart
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 2:38 PM
> Subject: Iraq Said To Have Recovered To Pre-Gulf War WMD Level [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
>  ---------------------------
> 12-20-1
> WASHINGTON (MENL) - Iraq is said to have rebuilt its weapons of mass 
> destruction capabilities to the level of that of that on the eve of 
> the 1991 Gulf war.
> U.S. officials said Iraqi President Saddam Hussein began rebuilding 
> his WMD capabilities soon after the departure of United Nations 
> weapons inspectors in late 1998. They said that over the last 18 
> months Iraq is believed to have accelerated its strategic weapons 
> programs
> "Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs 
> continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status," a letter by 
> 10 leading members of Congress said. "We believe we must directly 
> confront Saddam, sooner rather than later."
> The letter called on the Bush administration to make Iraq the next 
> target in the U.S.-led war on terrorism. The congressional leaders 
> said United Nations sanctions have failed. They cited Iraqi illegal 
> oil sales, which officials believe have funded Saddam's WMD programs.
> >
> MainPage
> ---
> US Says Libyan Bio-Chem
> Warfare Site Concealed
> Beneath Mountain
> Special To World
> 12-20-1
> The United States has concluded that Libya built a weapons of mass 
> destruction facility in a huge underground lair.
> U.S. intelligence sources said Libya built a chemical weapons site 
> near Tarhuna. The facility, the sources said, is located under a 
> mountain.
> Libya obtained help in the construction of the facility from 
> Pyongyang. North Korea is known to be a leading expert in the 
> construction of underground sites and tunnels meant to conceal 
> missiles and WMD for several nations in the region, Middle East 
> Newsline reported.
> The sources said U.S. spy satellites first detected the construction 
> of the facility in 1997. Within three years, officials determined it 
> as a chemical weapons factory and that work on it had been 
> completed.
> The U.S. intelligence community, the sources said, has not 
> determined whether the facility became operational. The sources 
> cited the United Nations embargo on Tripoli as well as low oil 
> rices, which limited Libya's funding for military and strategic 
> programs.
> ut the sources said the Tarhuna facility is believed to have once 
> again been the target of development in the aftermath of the UN 
> decision to lift sanctions from Tripoli in 1999.
> The sources said the regime of Col. Moammar Khaddafy has been 
> negotiating with European firms for dual-use equipment that could 
> help Libya's chemical weapons program.
> The sources said the Bush administration is reviewing the Tarhuna 
> project as part of the U.S.-led war on terrorism. They said it would 
> be difficult to destroy the chemical weapons facility without a 
> grund invasion.

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