
Milosevic runs Socialist Party of Serbia

     BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Dec. 24 (UPI) -- From his jail cell in The
Hague, former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic continues to oversee
the Socialist Party of Serbia. 
     In a statement released Sunday, party officials said Milosevic had
ordered that acting leader Zivadin Jovanovic, a former Yugoslav foreign
minister, be replaced by former Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Marjanovic.

     Both men lost their government posts after Milosevic and his regime
were first defeated in the Sept. 2000 general elections and then
overthrown in a bloodless coup the following month. 
     Jovanovic resigned as acting leader but remains a member of the
party's executive committee, the statement said. He has been accused of
implication with others in approving a request by Milosevic then still
in power for a public property to be attached to his adjacent house and
real estate in Belgrade's exclusive Dedinje neighborhood. 
     Marjanovic, also a member of the executive committee, has been
Milosevic's close friend for many years and has retained his position of
managing director of "Progres," one of Yugoslavia's biggest state-owned
     Exploiting his close links with some top Russian leaders he had
been able to illegally import Russian gas and other strategic goods and
sell Yugoslav corn abroad throughout the years that Yugoslavia was under
an international sanctions for its military operations in Croatia and
Bosnia and later in Kosovo. 
     Marjanovic has not been under investigation but a Serbian
government commission investigating corruption during Milosevic's rule
claimed in a report last September he had a Swiss bank account worth 1.2
million Swiss francs. He immediately denied he had accounts anywhere in
the world but the Swiss authorities announced earlier this month they
had frozen accounts held by a number of former Yugoslav official without
disclosing their names. 

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