
<<<<Cuba considers the 49 square-kilometer (20 square-mile) 
base to be its
sovereign territory.>>>>


"Stopping at nothing to spread capitalist nonsense for 2002. 
Agence France Presse: You can rely on us to keep the masses 

On 4 Jan 02, at 14:39, Barry Stoller wrote:

> ---------------------------
> AFP. 4 January 2002. Cuba won't object to plans for al-Qaeda detainees
> to go to US base.
> HAVANA -- Cuba will not object to US plans to send al-Qaeda detainees to
> the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, an influential US senator
> said Friday after meeting with Cuban President Fidel Castro.
> "Had it been an adverse reaction (from Castro), we would have heard it
> loud and clear at the minimum; there are no objections," said Republican
> Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who along with his Republican
> colleague Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island met for six hours with Castro
> late Thursday.
> Acknowledging "they could have made life difficult in Guantanamo," the
> spot on Cuba's southeast coast where the United States maintains a naval
> base against Havana's will, Specter told a press conference that in fact
> Castro "expressed interest in being cooperative" in the fight against
> terrorism in general.
> "I believe there are areas where Cuba could be of great assistance on
> the war on terrorism," Specter said. "Cuba has vast intelligence sources
> which could be of great aid."
> As of Thursday, Cuba had not yet taken an official position on US plans
> to use its Guantanamo Bay naval base as a site to hold prisoners from
> the war in Afghanistan, according to a government statement released
> last Sunday.
> Specter is a member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations
> Subcommittee on Defense, which writes draft legislation allocating
> federal funds for defense efforts.
> Chafee, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has led an
> effort to enact legislation -- the Bridges to the Cuban People Act --
> that would loosen the US four-decade-old economic embargo on Cuba.
> The two influential Republican lawmakers, invited by the Cuban national
> assembly, met with Cuban dissidents after touching down in Havana at
> midday Wednesday.
> They are the highest-ranking US lawmakers to visit Cuba since the
> September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States and subsequent US
> military operations against the Taliban militia and al-Qaeda terrorist
> network in Afghanistan.
> Their visit was described as private in nature.
> Specter said that in their talks with Castro, the only communist leader
> in the Americas, the two senators "talked extensively on the issues of
> human rights and the democratic process in Cuba, (and) urged him in
> rather blunt and undiplomatic terms to hold elections."
> "When you engage him (Castro) he is not without a response, he is not
> without many responses," he added.
> The Pennsylvania senator added that Cuba's statement on Guantanamo,
> which said Havana "does not have the information necessary and has
> therefore not taken any position. Even though it is national Cuban
> territory, (Guantanamo) is the site of a US military installation,"
> directly reflected Castro's personal view.
> With regard to US sanctions on Cuba, Specter said "the embargo is
> evolving in the US Congress. I want to see a fresh evolution."
> Last Sunday's Cuban statement alluded to the ongoing dispute between
> Washington and Havana over the Guantanamo installation -- a standoff is
> "which has existed for many years and which has yet to be resolved."
> Cuba considers the 49 square-kilometer (20 square-mile) base to be its
> sovereign territory.
> Just 850 kilometers (550 miles) from Miami, the US base at Guantanamo is
> home to some 500 US troops. The base provides logistical support for US
> ships and aircraft that conduct counternarcotics operations in the
> Caribbean.
> US President Theodore Roosevelt signed a lease in perpetuity with Cuba
> on February 23, 1903 to lease the military post at Guantanamo Bay for
> which Washington pays annual rent of 4,085 dollars.
>    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Barry Stoller

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