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Why Clinton’s pious lecturing is hard to swallow
2001-12-31 15:27:48

Ghazala Ibrahim for Ummahnews
31 December 2001

Bill Clinton’s recent visit to Britain was a reminder to me, as to many other Muslims how he will be remembered in the Islamic world as a foreign policy failure. His ‘lectures’ in London, Manchester and elsewhere showed a bitter and troubled man sanctimoniously preaching to people against living in their separate "little boxes" such as "man-woman", "British-American" and "Muslim, Christian [and] Jew."



In Somalia, America intervened (unsuccessfully) with the arrogance of a colonial power only to have its armed forces withdraw in humiliation. Elsewhere, America under Clinton sent Cruise missiles to poverty-stricken Afghanistan and Sudan because they were said to be harbouring Osama bin Laden. He, we were and are told, was responsible for the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. Nevertheless, then as now, where was the proof?

In all this, what is baffling is why anyone for example expected Clinton, now raising money for Israel, to have delivered a just settlement for the Palestinians whilst he was US President? Being inextricably linked to one of the parties in the dispute (i.e. Israel), he was clearly unfit for the job.

His administrations were largely manned by prominent members of the American Zionist/Jewish lobby such as Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State), William Cohen (Secretary of Defense), Alan Greenspan (Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank).

Then there was George Tenet (CIA Chief), Dennis Ross (Special Middle East Representative), Robert Rubin (Secretary of Treasury), James P. Rubin (Under Secretary of State), Richard Holbrooke (Special Representative to NATO), Samuel ‘Sandy’ Berger (Head National Security Council), Stuart Eizenstat (Under Secretary of State), Mark Penn (Asia Expert to NEC), Martin Indyk (Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs), Peter Tarnoff (Deputy Secretary of State),

Not forgetting Judith Feder (National Security Council), Stanley Ross (National Security Council), Samuel Lewis (National Security Council), Lanny P. Breuer (Special Counsel to The President), Leon Panetta (White House Chief of Staff), Joel Klein (Assistant Attorney General) and Dan Glickman (Secretary of Agriculture),

Or Sidney Blumenthal (Special Advisor to First Lady), Evelyn Lieberman (Deputy Chief of Staff), Charlene Barshefsky (U.S. Trade Representative), Susan Thomases (Aide to First Lady), Gene Sperlin (National Economic Council), Ira Magaziner (National Health Care), Alice Rivlin (Economic Advisor), Janet Yellen (Chairwoman, National Economic Council), Rahm Emanuel (Policy Advisor), Doug Sosnik (Counsel to President), Jim Steinberg (Deputy to National Security Chief), Jay Footlik (Special Liason to the Jewish
Community) and Robert Nash (Personal Chief).

There were yet more: Jane Sherburne (President's Lawyer), Sandy Kristoff (Health Care Chief), Robert Boorstin (Communications Aide), Keith Boykin (Communications Aide), Jeff Eller (Special Assistant to Clinton), Tom Epstein (Health Care Adviser), Richard Feinberg (Assistant Secretary Veterans), Hershel Gober (Food and Drug Administration), Steve Kessler (White House Counsel), Ron Klein (Assistant Secretary Education), Madeleine Kunin (Communications Aide).

And David Kusnet (Dept. AIDS Program), Margaret Hamburg (Dir. Press Conferences), Many Grunwald (Liason to Jewish Leaders), Karen Adler (Dir. State Dept. Policy), Dan Schifter (Director Peace Corps.), Eli Segal (Deputy Chief of Staff), Robert Weiner (Drug Policy Coordinator), Jack Lew (Deputy Director Management and Budget), David Lipton (Under Secretary of The Treasury), Kenneth Apfel (Chief of Social Security) and David Kessler (Chief of Food & Drug Administration).

Not forgetting Seth Waxman (Acting Solicitor General), Howard Shapiro (General Counsel for the FBI), Lanny Davis (White House Special Counsel), Sally Katzen (Secretary of Management and Budget), Kathleen Koch (Heads FBI Equal Opportunity Office) John Podesta (Deputy Chief of Staff), Alan Blinder (Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve), Abner Mikva (Counsel to President Clinton), Richard Feinberg (Special Assistant to President Clinton -National Security Council), Ricki Seidman (Deputy Communications Director), Phil Leida (Economic Adviser), David Heiser (staff director), Alice Rubin (volunteers), Leon Fuerth (National Security Adviser to Vice President Gore), Robert Reich (Secretary of Labor), Don Steinberg (Special Ambassador for Humanitarian De-mining), Mickey Kantor (Commerce Secretary), and last but not least Ron Klain (Chief of Staff for Al Gore).

This is a long, though not an exhaustive list. There were undoubtedly other members of the Zionist/Jewish lobby present in Clinton’s administrations. The point however is that these individuals undeniably had influence on America’s dealings with the Muslim world, be it the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Kashmir, Chechnya or elsewhere.

Thus, for instance, it was not enough that the Secretary of State Albright, her Under-Secretary James Rubin and the US Defense Secretary William Cohen were Jewish, Clinton even had to ensure that the Special Envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross was of the Jewish faith. Even in my wildest dreams, I cannot ever imagine a Muslim being appointed as envoy to the Middle East.

This lack of impartiality led Clinton to ignore Muslim grievances. The few times that he made lame attempts to address the Israeli-Palestinian question, his sympathies for the Zionist/Jewish lobby precluded any just settlement. Policies were custom-made for Israel’s benefit and were antithetical to Palestinian interests. The sole aim was the promotion and preservation of the barbaric state of Israel.

The sinister influence of this lobby upon Clinton’s administration was vividly demonstrated by the fact that it redefined the "occupied territories" as "territories in dispute". No matter what crime was perpetrated by Israel, good ol’ Bill would there to back her up. That is what he did when he was in power and that is what he is doing now that he is an unemployed.

It is in this context that we must view his visit to Britain to raise yet more funds to fuel further Zionist butchery. These examples confirm Clinton’ s status as Israel’s roving propaganda ambassador. Hence, when we still see him feigning self-righteous indignation about the world’s current state of affairs, we need to remind him of his part in it.

With successive abysmal administrations like Clinton’s since the Second World War, we are told that America is not partial in her dealings. What then adds insult to injury is that some ill-informed sections of American society have the gall to deny that anti-Americanism in the Islamic world and around the globe generally, stems from a long chain of misguided US foreign policy and the unhealthy / suspect influence of a certain lobby.

Ghazala Ibrahim is a freelance writer based in Great Britain

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