

And I'm sure, then, the article would not have been printed. It' 
called free speech; that is, "free" for the rich, at a cost for the rest 
of us. 

On 11 Jan 02, at 12:01, mart wrote:

> ---------------------------
> The article mentions the use of D.U. in so called "tankbusters" It should be
> noted that the vast majority of D.U. tipped cruise missiles and bombs were
> not used against tanks and armoured vehicles.. Most were used against
> buildings, particularly civilian hospitals, train stations, factories
> and apartment blocks.
> mart
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:00 AM
> Subject: Letter On War Crimes [
>  ---------------------------
>  Letter to the "El Paso Times" published.
>  Letters
>  The El Paso Times
>  El Paso, TX
>  Thursday, January 10, 2002
>  Clean up messes
>  Thanks for the Jan. 2 editorial "U.S. must
>  help solve unexploded-ordnance problem," regarding
>  unexploded ordnance from cluster bombs used in
>  Afghanistan.
>  I agree that the U.S. should lead the effort
>  to clean up the messes it creates. I only wish that
>  the editorial had gone farther when discussing our
>  illegal bombardment of Kosovo to include the
>  radioactive uranium ammunition used in "tankbusters."
>  The radioactivity has been attributed by some to have
>  caused premature cancers or deaths in a number of
>  peacekeepers stationed there.
>  Also, the editorial should have included the
> deliberate bombing of factories such as the massive
>  petrochemical complex in Pancevo which resulted in a
>  massive release of thousands of gallons of toxic
>  chemicals such as PCBs, ethylene dichloride and
> hydrofluoric acid into the Danube River (Europe's
>  longest waterway) and surrounding ground-water table.
>  Despite the much-promised aid for cleanup
>  that was to be forthcoming with the replacement of
>  Slobodan Milosevic with more "Western-friendly"
>  leaders, very little has actually materialized,
>  leaving a large section of southeastern Europe
>  poisoned, and an economic engine for the entire
>  Balkans disabled.
>  Michael Pravica
>  Las Vegas, N.M

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