
Wow !   As Hitler said "if you have to tell a lie tell
a big one".

In Britian the story is being pumped out of " the
violence of Mugabe's supporters ", " flawed election
", but their own officials admitted the contrary weeks

--- mart-remote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------------------------
> This article was originaly published March 8, 2002, 
> a few days *before* the Zimbabwe elections. Now we 
> areabout to see the actions of the soundly defeated
> MDC and the British government to punish the country
> and overturn the election results. Note the last
> paragraph of this article about the MDC being
> supplied with counterfeit ZD $100 notes to finance
> it's subversion and to wreck havoc on the Zimbabwean
> economy.
> From:"Jim Yarker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Brit/MDC subversion
> plans for ZimDate:Sun, 17 Mar 2002 15:51:43 -0500
> by Morgan Handidi
> Highly placed intelligence sources have reported
> that revelations made by the British Foreign
> Commonwealth Office to the effect that Mr Morgan
> Tsvangirai, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)
> candidate in the March 9 and 10 presidential
> elections, is already privately admitting that he is
> a beaten man in free and fair elections, has sent
> shock waves across the MDC rank and file.
> Four weeks ago, the British Foreign Commonwealth
> Office projected that 60 percent of the vote will be
> won by President Robert Mugabe to 40 percent of the
> vote for Tsvangirai.
> The sources say that the warning has been received
> by the MDC as a signal for Mr Tsvangirai to claim
> that he was not able to campaign in most parts of
> the country because of alleged violence or the
> threat of violence, and that the election results
> were rigged. 
> There is a growing consensus by intelligence and
> political analysts that if the violent elements in
> both MDC and Zanu(PF) now heed calls by the Zimbabwe
> African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF)
> leadership for non-violent elections and those
> elections are thereafter interpreted as "reflecting
> the will of the majority of Zimbabweans", then Mr
> Tsvangirai's subsequent claims will, in the main,
> fall on deaf ears. 
> The consensus has been reinforced by British
> officials who pointed out that it is now highly
> questionable whether such violence is in the best
> interests of President Mugabe and Zanu-PF. Rather,
> they see the violence as largely stemming from the
> MDC.
>  The British government has become frustrated with
> the failure of the MDC and Tsvangirai to enunciate
> clear-cut alternative policies in response to those
> of President Mugabe and his Zanu-PF Government. "The
> MDC thinks that it knows what it is against. But it
> does not know what it is for," said one diplomat.
> British Foreign Office sources cite conspicuous
> contradictions within the MDC leadership over land
> policies as well as Mr Tsvangirai's personal call
> for sanctions against his fellow Zimbabweans that
> badly backfired on the MDC leader. 
> Yet Mr Tsvangirai's call for sanctions was in line
> with those British politicians and white Southern
> Rhodesians who are obsessed with sanctions against
> Zimbabwe.These people, however, are sadly out of
> touch with the historical and present realities of
> Zimbabwe and, conspicuously, the region. Even MDC
> politicians in Zimbabwe realised that Mr
> Tsvangirai's statement calling for fuel and
> electricity sanctions against his own country was
> politically disastrous. 
> They swiftly tried to distance themselves from their
> leader's call but by then the damage had been done.
> A further British admission is that Zanu-PF, while
> it may have its in-house spats, is largely unified
> and contains most of the country's intelligent
> politicians. In sharp contrast, the MDC contains
> only a handful of Zimbabwe's intelligentsia. The
> British also admit that the MDC is an urban-based
> workers party but that not all of the urban workers
> support the opposition. 
> Furthermore, the British have finally discovered
> that the rural bonds of urban Zimbabweans are deeper
> than they initially supposed and that the suffering
> and losses of the war for independence form stronger
> ties than they once believed. All of these factors
> add up to what British diplomats based in Harare are
> reporting to London and reinforce Dr Ibbo Mandaza’s
> synopsis or guide to presidential elections
> published in last week’s issue of the Sunday Mail
> where a victory for President Mugabe and a defeat
> for Mr Tsvangirai was predicted.
> According to the intelligence sources, the
> realisation of an impending defeat at the hands of
> Zanu(PF) has forced the MDC to activate the zero
> option whose main objective is to disrupt the
> forthcoming elections.
> The sources revealed that the in the last seven
> weeks or so, the MDC has put into operation two
> units known as the National Resistence Group (NRG)
> and the Operations Fund Raising Team. These teams
> are said to compliment each other.
> The sources say that the NRG is commandeered by a
> team of six senior MDC officials, namely
> Clive Puzey (Chairman)of No5 Sylvn Hessel Road,
> Borrowdale;
> Topper Whitehead(Secretary) of 15 Pirase Villa, 36
> Oxford RD, Avondale;
> Marco Garizo (Treasurer)of 7 Radar Rd, Emarald Hill;
> K. Christopher (Organiser) of 7 Bantry Rd,
> Alexandrar Park;
> Chris Thorne (Co-ordinator)of 20 Hadson Ave,
> Alexandra Park and
> R.R.J. Putterill (Military Strategist) of Daver
> Court, 1 Josiah Chinamano
> while, the Operations Fund Raising Team is comprised
> of :
> Gift Chimanikire of 7-75th Avenue, Mabelreign
> Gordon Chavhunduka, of 40 The Chase, Mount Pleasant;
> Judith Todd of 505 Rossshire Heights, Mazoe/Baines
> Marvellous Mloyi of 40 Quarn Rd/Bowood Rds Mount
> Pleasnt
> Rensen Gasela of 4 Bray Close, Greystone Park
> The NRG was specifically set up to mobilise MDC
> youth who have been receiving military training on
> commercial farms in Zimbabwe and South Africa to
> spearhead violent campaigns over the period leading
> to the Presidential elections. A special unit has
> also been set up for deployment on the 9th and 10th
> March with the purpose to disrupting the actual
> elections.
> So far the NRG has succeeded in stepping up violence
> against targeted Zanu(PF) officials. On 6 February,
> two MDC Members of parliament , Patel Nyoni (Hwange
> constituency) and Abednico Bhebhe (Nkayi
> constituency) were arrested by the police in Nkayi
> after attempting to overrun officers manning a joint
> ZRP/ZNA read block. The two Mps in the company of 36
> MDC youth were all arrested after being found in
> possession of an assortment off dangerous weapons.
> They were on a mission to disrupt a Zanu(PF)
> Presidential campaign meeting. A list of Zanu(PF)
> members, war veterans and security officer’s names
> targeted for elimination was found in Bhebhe’s car.
> Literature on the murdered war veteran Cain Nkala
> was also discovered in the same car.
> The intelligence sources say that to date, the
> Midlands and Matebeleland North Provinces have
> produced tangiable evidence suggesting that the MDC
> has plans to cause pandemonium at polling stations
> on the voting days by assigning unregistered youths
> to cause problems at the centres.
> Of equal sinister proportion are reports that the
> MDC have acquired Zanu(PF) regalia which the youths
> are using to in the party’s violent campaign. Plans
> to abduct war veterans who were former dissidents in
> Matebeland North Province are reported to be in
> place and are intented to plant deep suspicion among
> Zanu(PF) 
=== message truncated ===

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