
 Unlike the Hague, eh Francy?!

Boyle, Francis wrote:
> Francis A. Boyle
> Law Building
> 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
> Champaign, IL 61820 USA
> 217-333-7954(voice)
> 217-244-1478(fax)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boyle, Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 1:58 PM
> To: Killeacle (E-mail)
> Subject: Kangaroo Courts in Guantanamo (Newsday)
>                    "You're going to have the Department of Defense
> defending, the Department of
>                    Defense prosecuting and the appeals panels is the
> Department of Defense," said
>                    Francis A. Boyle, an expert on the law of war at the
> University of Illinois. "I think
>                    it's going to be perceived internationally as a kangaroo
> court."
> Military Tribunal Plan Detailed
>                    Suspects' rights to appeal, block evidence limited
>                    By Craig Gordon and Timothy M. Phelps
>                    WASHINGTON BUREAU
>                    March 21, 2002
>                    Washington - The Bush administration would grant
>                    terrorism suspects brought before military tribunals
>                    many fundamental protections used in civilian trials but
>                    deny them others, limiting their right to block
>                    second-hand evidence and to appeal their convictions,
>                    even in the case of death sentences, government
>                    officials said yesterday.
>                    At the same time, the Justice Department announced
>                    yesterday that it would go ahead with a new round of
>                    anti-terror interviews with foreign nationals in the
> United
>                    States, calling the first phase a success after
>                    interviews with more than 2,200 people yielded a
>                    number of tips on possible terrorists.
>                    The Bush administration's long-anticipated plans for the
>                    military trials for terrorism suspects were presented to
>                    Congress yesterday, and Defense Secretary Donald
>                    Rumsfeld is expected to announce them today.
>                    The plan to hold tribunals came under fierce criticism
>                    when President George W. Bush announced it in
>                    November as a means to try suspected al-Qaida
>                    terrorists outside the U.S. federal court system,
>                    especially in cases where national security information
>                    might be divulged. Critics feared the tribunals would
>                    short-circuit due process, denying suspects a public
>                    trial, independent counsel, the right to hear evidence
>                    against them and the ability to appeal their verdicts.
>                    The new rules appear designed to address many of the
>                    sharpest criticisms, international law experts said
>                    yesterday, by modeling the tribunals after military
>                    courts-martial and adding widely accepted legal
>                    protections.
>                    Bush said yesterday that he had "nobody in mind" to bring
> before the tribunals
>                    and stressed that they merely are an option for
> prosecuting terrorists. "We'll be
>                    using the tribunals if, in the course of bringing
> somebody to justice, it would
>                    jeopardize or compromise national security interests. So
> they're a tool," Bush
>                    said.
>                    U.S. officials have said they expect a very limited
> number of tribunals, perhaps no
>                    more than a few dozen, and that they might not start
> until the fall. Bush said the
>                    fates of many of the 300 detainees at Guantanamo Bay,
> where many of those
>                    subject to tribunal might come from, remained unclear,
> though he said,
>                    "Remember...the ones in Guantanamo Bay are killers. They
> are - they don't
>                    share the same values we share."
>                    The tribunals would be presided over by a panel of three
> to seven officers, as are
>                    many courts-martial. Defendants would be presumed
> innocent, and the
>                    government would have to prove guilt. The suspects also
> would be given free
>                    military lawyers and could hire civilian lawyers as well.
>                    But the rules also permit prosecutors to introduce
> hearsay or second-hand
>                    evidence that would be kept out of normal trials,
> including such things as
>                    documents found in the caves of Afghanistan whose origin
> might be unclear.
>                    Several legal experts also said they were troubled by the
> limited right to appeals,
>                    which would be heard by a three-member panel but still
> consist of military
>                    officials. Rumsfeld or Bush would be the final arbiter of
> a defendant's sentence.
>                    There is no explicit right granted to appeal to federal
> courts, as those tried by
>                    courts-martial are allowed to do.
>                    "You're going to have the Department of Defense
> defending, the Department of
>                    Defense prosecuting and the appeals panels is the
> Department of Defense," said
>                    Francis A. Boyle, an expert on the law of war at the
> University of Illinois. "I think
>                    it's going to be perceived internationally as a kangaroo
> court."
>                    However, Scott Silliman, an international law expert at
> Duke University, said he
>                    believed the new rules would largely satisfy other
> nations concerned about due
>                    process, but only if the appeals panel did not function
> as a "rubber stamp."
>                    Also yesterday, to the dismay of some immigrant groups,
> Attorney General John
>                    Ashcroft announced that 3,000 more visitors to the United
> States, many from the
>                    Mideast, would be asked to submit to interviews with
> terrorism investigators.
>                    He said the original program started in November to try
> to interview nearly 5,000
>                    visitors had provided valuable information "about the
> would-be terrorists in our
>                    midst."
>                    Ashcroft gave no specifics but released a report that
> listed six interviews that had
>                    provided tips about possible terrorists. Only half the
> original group were actually
>                    interviewed, either because they could not be located or
> they declined.
>                    Some civil liberties lawyers criticized the extension of
> the program to people who
>                    arrived in the United States more recently than the first
> group. Critics also said
>                    some of those already questioned were arrested for
> immigration violations or, in a
>                    few cases, criminal charges based on the interviews,
> though none of the charges
>                    related to terrorism. Ashcroft's office said fewer than
> 20 of those interviewed were
>                    arrested.
>                    David Cole, a Georgetown University law professor, said,
> "There is absolutely no
>                    evidence that it has been an effective measure when you
> compare the results that
>                    have been obtained against the bad blood they have
> created with the
>                    Arab-American community as a result of this program."
>                    Imad Hamad, a leader of the large Arab community in
> Michigan, said that while
>                    he had cooperated with the first phase, the extension
> "will create another
>                    unnecessary form of intimidation and emotional pressure"
> on Arab-Americans. 
>                    Copyright © 2002, Newsday, Inc. 
> Francis A. Boyle
> Law Building
> 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
> Champaign, IL 61820 USA
> 217-333-7954(voice)
> 217-244-1478(fax)


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