



By  John Kelly – Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic   - Ireland
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Tel/Fax: +044 45787
Copy to all media in Ireland and Britain and to all Friends

United States and NATO powers, during a 78 day bombing campaign in 1999,
dropped  25,000 tons of bombs and in the process killed thousands of men
women and children whilst at the same time causing immense destruction to
the environment and especially to the infrastructure and facilities
essential to the needs of the community.

Nuremburg prosecutor, activist lawyer and mentor Walter J. Rockler in a
commentary published in a Chicago Tribune article in 1999 had this to say on
the subject ..

“The  attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen international
aggression since the Nazis attacked Poland to “prevent Polish atrocities
against Germans”.

“The United States” , Mr Rockler continued, “has discarded pretensions to
international legality and decency and embarked on a course of raw
imperialism run amok.”

The problem is that the general public, in the main, did not perceive this
to be imperialist onslaught but rather as an exemplification of righteous
anger or wrath visited upon what they had been led to believe by world wide
media outlets compliant to the requirements of the West’s military and
industrial complex as the embodiment of “evil”.

Countless American Westerns defined by French director Jean Luc Godard as
essentially fascistic,  in addition to the great bulk of American propaganda
films,  have conditioned the public to the most simplistic if not simple
minded concept imaginable.

First you identify the Bad Guy.

Then you, the Good Guy,  pulverise the Bad Guy.

Presented to the public at large is the modern day equivalent of the Old
Testament Eye for an Eye message.

Segueing in to the “just war” argument and of course to the widely held
belief , courtesy mainly of Hollywood, that it is incumbent on the Good Guy
to intervene , if necessary with maximum force, to sort things out on behalf
of freedom and democracy if you will.

Freedom and Democracy meaning when decoded the freedom to garner enormous
Croesus like wealth or profits for the few at the expense if necessary of
the many.

The media campaign against Serbia and Slobodan Milosevic was calculated to
inflame  public opinion and engender a call, to put it bluntly, for revenge.

The relentless campaign proved to be eminently successful.

Even  so at this juncture and following upon revelations of evidence
fabricated against the Serbs  often by public relations companies employed
on behalf of Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Albanian separatists or to put it
less politely  Albanian terrorists and drug runners  and mercenaries , many
of whom were under the command of  Osama bin Laden ,  humanitarian
intervention takes on an absurdist connotation.

Imagine Western forces intervening in humanitarian fashion, which means
waging murderous onslaught on civilians and environment, hypothetically on
behalf of bin Laden and associates?

Perhaps not so hypothetically?

In fact  Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network has been active for years in the
Balkans most recently assisting Kosovo separatists (Kosovo Liberation Army
KLA) with the financial backing of the United States of America and NATO.

Anyone seeking the truth about the imperialist attack on Yugoslavia and the
so called "war crimes trial" of  President Slobodan Milosevic will most
certainly discern nothing of the truth from that very same media responsible
for over a decade for propagandising against the Serbs and Mr Milosevic on
behalf of imperialist powers.

The trial of Slobodan Milosevic was set up by  the victors of the
imperialist war to put on trial those who defied their plans of domination.
Mr Milosevic is standing trial because he was the leader of a country that
resisted the dismantling of socialism and the surrender of the economy to
the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

It is not only Mr Milosevic targetted for standing up to dominant forces.

The media,  in this writers opinion, has a license to lie and this is
especially so in regard to international events and of course it lies on
behalf of imperialism.

If you live under a capitalist system the media will be representing the
interests of the moneyed class and will be doing so across the board.

Fashion. Trend. News. Current affairs programmes. Radio. Television needless
to say. Newspapers. Magazines. All of it.

What, some might ask, has this to do with the attack and ultimate
dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the Kafkaesque trial of  President Slobodan

This writer believes wholeheartedly that what comes through in the media
everywhere and all the time has everything to do with rampant , currently
berserk, capitalism and or imperialism.

Consider specifically what passes for entertainment in the cinema and on

Principally it is violently aggressive and sensationalist and horrendously

Sensationalism is sadism in other form.

Sadism and sado masochism translate to a pornography of violence. A
pornography of violence emphasising domination over others. Here we have all
the elements of a fascist culture not unlike that of the Weimar Republic in
Germany  prior to the Second World War.

Ours is a Thanatos oriented society rather than an Eros oriented one - the
message conveyed being to Make War Not Love.

Secondarily though and of equal importance.

When you make love do so vengefully and in war like fashion.

Watch television for only one night of the week and tell me that this is not

Constant subjection to material emphasising violence and horror desensitises
and leads to callousness and an indifference to human suffering and
gratuitous killings.

It is suggested that this is the purpose of imposing this repellent and
degenerate material on the population at large. As means of "blooding" the
populace overall as the CIA would put it.

Before imperialist forces launch an attack on another country the media, at
saturation level, will pour out material calculated to enrage viewers
readers and listeners about the dreadful excesses of nominated supposed
"dictators" "butchers" and so on.  It helps if there is an atrocity
supposedly perpetrated by the forces of the country to face onslaught.

Let us focus on one of the most vile examples of this type of agent
provocateur scenarios ……..

This was in  1995 in Bosnia.

The Markale market place bombing and massacre was blamed without question by
the Western media on the Serbs and by association – Slobodan Milosevic.

The Bosnian Serbs were also falsely accused by the media of the bombing of
the same market in Sarajevo in February 1994 which killed and maimed many
innocent people, but it was the explosion in Markale on August 28th 1995
which NATO used as pretext to drop 6,000 tons of bombs over a period of 2
weeks in September 1995 on Serbian communities in Bosnia.

Of the August 1995 Markale explosion, the Defence  & Foreign Affairs
Strategic Policy document of July/August 1995 states “Once again, the
Sarajevo administration (Bosnian Muslim Government) planted a charge in the
market place in the city and when it was detonated with considerable loss of
life, it was blamed on the Bosnian Serbs as a “mortar attack” against
innocent civilians.  U.S. intelligence sources told this journal that there
was no radar tracking of an incoming round (although radar was in place).
There was also no collateral damage consistent with an incoming round.  And,
just as was proven and stated by UN observers after the February 5th 1994
market place “mortar attack”, it was clear that this was also a pre-placed
charge by  the Izetbegovic people (Bosnian Muslim Government agents)
designed to sacrifice their own citizens so that  blame could be placed on
the Bosnian Serbs, just before important peace talks were to begin”.

A woman who witnessed the August 1995 attack on the market describes in her
statement to the UN how she watched  TV crews and ambulances converge on the
market PRIOR to the explosion.

Realpolitik prevails – The late French President Francois Miterrand states
in his book “L’Annees des Adieux” that  the (then) UN Secretary General
Boutros Boutros Ghali had told him that he had irrefutable evidence as to
Bosnian Muslim Government culpability for the February 1994 and August 1995
Markale market bombings. This evidence was not revealed  then for reasons of
political expediency..

In her article of 7th March 2002 re the “trial” of Mr Milosevic in The Hague
Jatras writes – “European newspapers also confirmed that Bosnian Muslims had
committed the Markale market place massacre, but Clinton  (US President at
the time) needed an excuse to bomb the Serbs. Consider the following. Saudi
Arabia signed a letter of intent to buy $6 BILLION dollars  worth of Boeing
aircraft. The day  after we bombed the Serbs on a trumped up massacre, the
Saudis signed on the dotted line. Coincidence? I don’t  think so. Saudi
Arabia wanted the first Islamic nation in the belly of Europe, and we wanted
Saudi oil and money. And that’s what this war was all about”.
(……) by editor.

THE FOLLOWING  COMPILED BY  -  Mary Kennedy – Campaign to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic – Ireland   22.3.2002 –

The Racak “massacre” story  was used as pretext for NATO  bombing of
Yugoslavia in 1999.

On January 15th 1999, 40 bodies were found in the village of Racak in
Kosovoo - The Serbs were  falsely accused  by the media of carrying out a
massacre. Despite forensic evidence at the time which disproved media claims
of  “a massacre”, NATO used the Racak “massacre” story as rationale for
bombardments of cities and towns across Yugoslavia  in 1999.

Deutsche  Presse-Agentur 17.1.2001 -  HEADLINE: Re Racak “massacre” -

The Serbs were also  accused by the media  of “ethnic cleansing” of the
Albanian population of Kosovo - This accusation has also been proved as
false. The truth is that NATO caused the mass upheaval of people of not only
Albanian heritage, but people of some 10 different ethnic groups which made
up the population o f Kosovo to mid  1999.

For more information  on NATO’s planned  “cleansing” of Albanian people in
Rockford Institute 4.4.2000 as published in the German daily Frankfuhrter
Rundshau in march 2000 and “NATO’ s CLAIM OF ETHNIC CLEANSING CHALLENGED” by
Michel Chossudovsky 2.9.2000 - Reprinted from Emerors-Clothes
Copyright Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, February 2000.
Also visit:

Two  former Kosovo Liberation Army (NATO ground forces) fighters have
recently disclosed that they (on behalf of their NATO bosses) terrorised
Albanian communities into fleeing their homes during the course of  NATO
bombing of Kosovo thus creating a media spectacle to further ‘justify’ NATO
attacks on Yugoslavia.

In an effort to further rally world public support for Western military
aggression  and occupation of the Balkans (in preparation for Western
corporate take over of the region) a speech delivered by Slobodan Milosevic
in Kosovo  Field in 1989 at the  600th Anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo
has been re-written by the pro NATO camp to  emerge as an inflammatory
ultranationalist diatribe to supposedly mobilise hatred against non Serbian
populations in Kosovo.

Mr Milosevic’s 1989 speech was far from a call to nationalism  as the media
constantly  states . A reading of the  word for word BBC translation  of  Mr
Milosevic’s speech proves the very opposite to the media claims.  It was in
fact advocating continued unity  between all  peoples  of  Kosovo - Serbia
and Yugoslavia. It was a call for unity, peace, tolerance and harmony
amongst the peoples of Yugoslavia -  Peoples of  the  world. Just the
reverse of the Western media version  of Mr Milosevic’s speech.

Francisco Gil-White, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of
Pennsylvania. Fellow at the Soloman Asch Centre for Study of Ethnopolitical
Conflict published with Emperors Clothes at (www). Also   refer above
Emperors Clothes Web sites.

Copies  of UN and other international agencies’ reports which provide the
truth  about the war in Sarajevo to include quotes from UN Commanders which
pin point Bosnian Muslim forces responsibility for provoking war in that
city – Who really held the city under siege – Who really were the snipers of
Sarajevo – Re Gorazde, the document “The Truth About Gorazde” 1994 by the
Task Force on Terrorism  & Unconventional Warfare House Republican Research
Committee US House of Representatives Washington. -  Re Srebrenica, “The
Truth About Srebrenica” – “The Truth About Omarska and Trnopolje” and so on
plus   analysis of the UN/EU etc etc etc “Expert” reports on rape in Bosnia
conclude  not   60,000  Muslim women victims as the media claimed but less
than 300 rapes – 126 case reports were handed to the EU Commission by the
Bosnian Muslim leadership -   the other victims being Serb women raped in 20
camps operated by Croatian and   Bosnian Muslim forces in Bosnia, can be
obtained from  CDSM-Ireland  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOOKS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE now available from the International Action Centre

presented here, leading anti-war activists and analysts from many countries
take up The Hague Tribunal, the occupation of Kosovo, media lies, war crimes
and the blatant illegality of NATO aggression. Former US Attorney General
Ramsey Clark writes on “Blaming the victim”.  Former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic, demonized in the Western press, stands up to the NATO
tribunal based in  The Hague.

Michel Collon.

“NATO IN THE BALKANS:VOICES OF OPPOSITION” sections  from Ramsey Clark, Sara
Flounders, Sean Gervasi,  Nadja Tesich  and others.

links between the government, the media and the military. War propaganda and
NATO’s expending role.

Message of Solidarity and best wishes to Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic-Britain, the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
and the Belgrade Forum re your mass rallies and International Conferences
this weekend – The  3rd Anniversary of the NATO aggression against the
peoples of  Yugoslavia.
>From Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic-Ireland

Belgrade Forum – [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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