
"Am I wrong in saying all British governments since 1945 have done
what the Americans have wanted?"
- Tony Benn


' CIA-backed fronts such as the Labour Committee for Transatlantic
Understanding (LCTU) continued to attract right-wing trade union and
Labour Party figures well into the 1980s. LCTU was formed "in order
to develop a better understanding of the objectives and democratic
values of the Western Alliance in the ranks of socialist and trade
union movements in Europe and their counterparts in the United
States"; it distributes a news service amongst the trade union
movement and provides regular seminars and conferences for senior
trade unionists and politicians. Speakers at LCTU's conferences have
included Dr John Reid MP (later to become Tony Blair's armed forces
minister) Peter Mandelson MP, and George Robertson MP (Blair's
defence secretary).

Another example of infiltration into the Labour Party was the case of
MI6 officer Margaret "Meta" Ramsay. She had attended Glasgow
University and had been elected President of the Scottish Union of
Students. In 1962, she became associate secretary of the CIA-front
the International Student Conference at Leiden, Holland. From 1965 to
1967, Ramsay was secretary of the Fund for International Student Co-
operation, which was later identified as another recipient of CIA
funds. She became an active member of the Labour Party, attending
conferences where party officials were "unaware" of her intelligence
connections. In late 1981, she was even on the short-list to become
the new chief of MI6. (In the event, Sir Colin McColl, who was due to
retire as chief in September 1992, was asked by John Major to stay on
for another two years).
In August 1992, Margaret Ramsay was appointed to the position of
foreign policy adviser to Labour leader John Smith, who was a friend
of hers since university days. As well as raising a few eyebrows,
this appointment begs the question: What was the leader of the Labour
Party doing employing a known high-ranking MI6 agent in such a senior

With friends like these, the opportunities that the intelligence
services have had for manipulating Labour politicians have plainly
been many and varied.

Today, Tony Blair maintains the CIA's designs for the Labour party,
with a commitment to the largest military budget in Europe and an
unswerving allegiance to NATO. The assortment of transatlantic study
trips, scholarships, trade union "fellowships" at Harvard and
seminars paid for by U.S. agencies and the CIA continue to mould and
influence Labour Party policies. For example, both Gordon Brown and
John Monks (an important Blair ally as head of the TUC) were welcomed
by the secretive Bilderberg Group (one of the key organisations of
the European-American elite.) Brown and his economic adviser Edward
Balls were both at Harvard. David Miliband, Blair's head of policy,
was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In 1986, Tony Blair went on one of the myriad of U.S.-sponsored trips
to America that are available for promising MPs and came back a
supporter of the nuclear deterrent. In 1993, he went to a meeting of
the Bilderberg Group.

Jonathan Powell, Blair's foreign policy advisor, used to work in the
British embassy in Washington and is suspected by some of having been
the liaison officer between British intelligence and the CIA.
In 1976, Peter Mandelson was Chair of the British Youth Council,
which began as the British section of the World Assembly of Youth,
which as we have seen, was set up and financed by the CIA. By
Mandelson's time in the mid-1970s, the British Youth Council was said
to be financed by the Foreign Office, though this was thought to be a
euphemism for MI6.

A variety of senior Labour politicians - Peter Mandelson, George
Robertson, Mo Mowlam, Chris Smith, Elizabeth Symons, George Robertson
and Blair's chief of staff Jonathan Powell, were members of the
British-American Project for the Successor Generation (BAP), a little-
known but highly influential transatlantic network of "chosen"
politicians, journalists and academics. The fingerprints of British
and American intelligence are everywhere to be found amongst the
network of BAP members; regular attenders at BAP meetings are defence
and security specialists, NATO advisers, Defence Ministry think-tank
people and counter-insurgency experts. Also included is Jonathan
Powell, the career diplomat who now runs Tony Blair's No. 10 office
as chief of staff. Powell is the youngest of the Powell brothers, of
whom Charles, the eldest, was Margaret Thatcher's foreign policy
specialist. At BAP conferences, subjects discussed include such
titles as 'Sharing the Defense Burden' and 'The Welfare State on

The first recorded mention of the need for a "successor generation"
came in 1983 when President Reagan spoke to a select group, including
Rupert Murdoch, Sir James Goldsmith and senior CIA officers, in the
White House. Reagan told them: "Last June, I spoke to the British
Parliament, proposing that we - the democracies of the world - work
together to build the infrastructure of democracy. This will take
time, money and efforts by both government and the private sector. We
need particularly to cement relations among the various sectors of
our societies in the United States and Europe. A special concern will
be the successor generations, as these younger people are the ones
who will have to work together in the future on defense and security

BAP is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts of Philadelphia, which was
established in 1985 by the billionaire J. Howard Pew, a devoted
supporter of the Republican Party and other right-wing groups. These
include the far-right Heritage Foundation and the Manhattan Institute
for Policy Research, a foundation which was set up by former CIA head
William Casey to sponsor books "widely regarded as influencing Reagan
Administration economic and social thinking." One such book was
Losing Ground by Charles Murray, the extreme-right inventor of the
term "underclass" and advocate of the abolition of welfare.

In the records of the foundation of its "successor generation", BAP
describes regular meetings of "24 Americans and 24 Britons aged
between 28 and 40 who, by virtue of their present accomplishments,
had given indication that, in the succeeding generation, they would
be leaders in their country and perhaps internationally."

In its 1997 newsletter, BAP warmly welcomed the elevation of its
members to the Blair Cabinet: "Congratulations from all of us!"

All of Blair's new political appointees at the Ministry of Defence,
including Defence Secretary George Robertson, have been members or
associated with the Atlantic Council and its labour movement wing,
the Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic
Understanding (TUCETU), which formed from the afore-mentioned Labour
Committee for Transatlantic Understanding (LCTU), organisations that
are backed by the CIA.

TUCETU's membership has included Doug Mc Avoy (general secretary of
the National Union of Teachers), Lord Richard (Labour leader in the
House of Lords), Lord (John) Gilbert (Tony Blair's defence
procurement minister), right-wing trade union leaders such as Bill
Jordan (head of the International Confederation of Free Trade Union,
the CIA's chief labour movement operation), Lord (Eric) Hammond and
Lord (Frank) Chapple, and former Portuguese president Mario Soares
(recently revealed to have been a CIA asset).

TUCETU also incorporates Peace Through NATO, the group central to
Michael Heseltine's covert MoD campaign against CND in the 1980s. It
receives over £100,000 a year from the Foreign Office, as well as
payments from CIA-backed trusts. TUCETU chair Alan Lee Williams was a
Labour defence minister under Callaghan, who defected to the SDP. He
now describes himself as a "defence consultant.......".

"The people round Blair are all linked to the United States.. And
here is the source of the tension between so-called Old and New
Labour. For who are the Labour Party's traditional constituencies?
British domestic manufacturing and British public sector workers. Old
Labour is the domestic economy; New Labour is the overseas British
economy; in other words, the multinationals, the City of London, and
the Foreign Office which represents their interests."
-Robin Ramsey, Lobster magazine

"Like the United States, Britain has become a single-ideology state
with two principal, almost identical factions, so that the result of
any election has a minimal effect on the economy and social policy."

"It is not surprising that more and more people are coming to the
conclusion that the ballot box is no longer an instrument that will
secure political solutions.. They can see that the parliamentary
democracy we boast of is becoming a sham."



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