
 In all fairness to Reuters, it is their journalistic duty -- as an 
independent wire service -- not to take sides. Besides, the statement 
came from the communist island's state-run media. Surely, you would not 
expect it to contain grain a truth? In the same breath, we can not 
independently confirm the charges leveled against the Israeli government 
by the Palestinian chairman, which is probably where this ludicrous 
notion about "genocide" emanated from in the first place. (Recall that 
this is same chairman who refuses to reign in the terror).  

Just my impartial observation! 

mart-remote wrote:
> In this Reutors headline,  cynicly the word "genocide" is is quotations 
> marks in an atempt to lessen the impact of the Cuban statement and have 
> readers beleive that the use of the word is only an opinion. The Cubans 
> did not qualify their use of the word genocide with quotation marks. 
> They called a spade a spade and called it like it is....GENOCIDE!!!
> From:"Karen Lee Wald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:"Maceo Carillo Martinet" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject:Cuba demands UN action on PalestineDate:Sun, 31 
> Mar 2002 10:03:58 -0800
>  Cuba demands U.N. halt Israeli 'genocide' 
> HAVANA, March 31 (Reuters) - Cuba demanded the United Nations stop 
> Israel's "bloody offensive" against Palestinians on Sunday, backing 
> their "resistance and rebellion against occupation" and charging Israel 
> with genocide. 
> A Foreign Ministry statement, carried by the state-run media, said: 
> "Cuba demands a more energetic action by the international community, 
> and in particular the U.N. Security Council, to stop the massacre and 
> genocide being carried out by the Israeli army." 
> The Cuban government said Israel's move into Palestinian territory, and 
> siege of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, was a response to the Arab 
> League's peace initiative at last week's Beirut Summit. 
> "The response of the Ariel Sharon government, supported and financed by 
> the United States, has been death and destruction, making clearer than 
> ever before its opposition to a Palestinian state," Cuba said, in its 
> first official reaction to spiraling violence between Israelis and 
> Palestinians. 
> The statement made no mention of the recent wave of suicide bombings 
> carried out by Palestinians against Israeli civilians, instead 
> reiterating Cuba's "complete support of the heroic Arab people's 
> struggle, and specially of Palestine." 
> 12:20 03-31-02 
> ------------------------------------------------ 
> ------------------------------------------------ 
> Courtesy of: 
> The Law Office of Jose Pertierra 
> 1010 Vermont Avenue, NW #620 
> Washington, DC  20005 
> 202 783 6666 
> ------------------------------------------------ 
> ------------------------------------------------ 
>   ==========================
> Karen Lee Wald
> 2175 Aborn Road, apt. 164
>  San Jose, CA 95121
>  telephone 408-532-6147
> ---------------------------------
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