
U.S. Lied About Cuban Role in Angola - Historian 
Mon Apr 1,10:30 PM ET 
By Anthony Boadle 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and South Africa intervened in 
Angola months before Cuban troops arrived in 1975, and not afterward as 
Washington claimed, according to a historian who recently wrote a book 
on the subject. 

Piero Gleijeses, a professor at Johns Hopkins' School of International 
Studies, said that President Gerald Ford's administration lied about 
Cuban military presence to justify its covert operations against Marxist 
guerrillas. Angola was a Portuguese colony until 1975. 

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger denied then and in his memoirs later 
that the U.S. government knew that South African troops invaded Angola 
posing as mercenaries in 1975, he said. 

He also required the Central Intelligence Agency (news - web sites) to 
rewrite a document on Angola to show an earlier Cuban presence than was 
accurate, Gleijeses said in an interview. 

"Kissinger had the CIA (news - web sites) rewrite its report to serve 
the political aim of the administration, and so the poor CIA ended up 
lying," he said, speaking tongue-in-cheek. 

Declassified CIA papers for August through October of 1975 talk of the 
presence of only a few Cubans in Angola trying to pass themselves off as 
tourists, the historian said. 

The first academic to gain access to archives in Havana, Gleijeses has 
put together a almost day-to-day account of the arrival of Cuban troops 
in Angola. 

With the departure of the Portuguese in 1975, Angola had a power vacuum 
that the Marxist Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, or MPLA, 
and conservative UNITA sought to take advantage of. The fighting that 
marked the struggle for independence became a civil war. 

A CIA-funded covert operation was launched from Zaire in July, at the 
same time as a South African operation from the south backed the UNITA 
rebel group, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, 
led by led by Jonas Savimbi, who died this year. 

But by October 1975, the groups with U.S. and South African support were 
losing the war and white-ruled South Africa sent in regular troops. 

Cuban President Fidel Castro (news - web sites) decided on Nov. 4, 1975, 
to send soldiers to Angola but did so without informing Moscow, which 
two months later halfheartedly provided Aeroflot IL-62 planes for an 

The arrival of 30,000 Cubans tilted the civil war in favor of the MPLA 
which had controlled the capital of Luanda, Gleijeses said, and the 
South Africans withdrew in March 1976. The war stretched on for another 
25 years, with the latest cease-fire deal signed just last weekend. 


"The key element of the covert operation was cooperation with South 
Africa, and that was totally denied," Gleijeses said. "Kissinger went to 
the extreme of saying he only learned a couple of weeks later that South 
Africa had invaded." 

In his book "Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington and Africa 
1959-1976," based on U.S. documents and archival research in Cuba and 
Angola, Gleijeses maintains that Cuba dispatched troops as a result of 
the South African invasion. 

He argues that Kissinger's account of the U.S. role in Angola was 
misleading, both in testimony to Congress in 1976 and more recently in 
the third volume of his memoirs "Years of Renewal." 

The historian interviewed the then CIA station chief in Luanda, Robert 
Hultslander who, speaking on the record for the first time, criticized 
U.S. policy in Angola as "shortsighted and flawed." 

The former CIA agent told Gleijeses that he was unaware at the time that 
"the U.S. would eventually beg South Africa to directly intervene to 
pull its chestnuts out of the fire." 


Gleijeses also argues that Kissinger misled Americans by saying that an 
attempt to gain China's help in Angola was thwarted by the refusal of 
the U.S. Congress to approve funding for the covert operation. 

In his memoirs, Kissinger recounts a meeting he and Ford had on Dec. 2, 
1975, in Beijing with Chairman Mao Tse-tung in which Angola was 
discussed and Mao suggested China was willing to cooperate. 

Gleijeses said Kissinger failed to mention a meeting held the following 
day with Deng Xiaoping in which, according to a White House memorandum, 
the Chinese president refused to help in Angola while South Africa was 

"The reason why China held back was not Congress' refusal to vote 
additional aid. It was because the South Africans were there," he said, 
adding that Mao was very ill by then and Deng was in charge of decisions 
of state. 

"Kissinger ignores the other document which contradicts what he wants to 
say, and that is very dishonest," Gleijeses said. 

The documents can be found at 


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