
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 6th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Pushing Europe in Crawford 

   Europe hopes British Prime Minister Tony Blair does this weekend what
   he says he's good at, using his friendship with US President George
   Bush to push the European point of view.  

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the 
   Internet address below:,3367,1430_A_491964_1_A,00.html

   Israel Pushes Ahead with Offensive

   Fierce fighting continued across the West Bank on Saturday as Israel
   pushed ahead with its military offensive. Israeli troops and
   Palestinian gunmen battled in the Jenin refugee camp, a stronghold of
   Palestinian militants. An Israeli general said the Palestinians took
   heavy casualties. The army said three Israeli soldieers were killed
   in Jenin on Friday. Palestinians said there had been intense
   bombardment throughout the night by Israeli tanks and helicopters
   which had set houses on fire. Israel dismissed as "pure unadulterated
   propaganda and a baseless lie" that it was targeting civilians.
   Israeli troops moved into West Bank cities eight days ago to root out
   those responsible for a wave of suicide attacks on Israeli civilians.

   Arab League Holds Emergency Meeting on Middle East

   Under extremely tight security, Arab League foreign ministers met in
   Cairo on Saturday in an emergency session to discuss the Middle East
   conflict. The meeting was called by the Palestinians. In light of
   widespread demonstrations in Arab countries against Israel, the
   United States and also the Arab leadership, it is not known what
   action the ministers will take. At the very least the meeting will
   likely reiterate the Palestinians' right to resistance while
   welcoming Washington's new diplomatic initiatives. Meanwhile, the top
   Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has said that no Palestinian
   official would meet U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell during his
   visit next week, if Mr. Powell chose not to meet Palestinian
   President Yasser Arafat. In Washington, the view is congealing that
   Arafat is no longer a viable negotiating partner.

   Zimbabwe's Mugabe rules out election re-run

   Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Friday ruled out re-running the
   presidential election, which saw him returned to power last month.
   Zimbabwe's opposition Movement for Democratic Change party (MDC), the
   EU and the Commonwealth and many Western countries say that the
   elections were fraudulent. Mugabe's remarks came as Nigerian and
   South African envoys held separate meetings with ZANU-PF and the MDC
   to organise talks between the government and the opposition, but MDC
   leader Morgan Tsvangirai has said he will discuss nothing but fresh
   elections. Meanwhile, Zimbabwean authorities has warned people not to
   take part in anti-government protests planned for this weekend,
   saying those who do so would be prosecuted.

   Strike hiots Bangladesh

   Hundreds of extra police and paramilitary soldiers were deployed in
   Dhaka on Saturday but there were no reports of violence as an
   opposition-led strike took hold across Bangladesh, disrupting
   business and transport. But there was none of Friday's violence when
   police used batons and tear gas to disperse hundreds of strike
   supporters in the capital, detaining several of them. The opposition
   Awami League called the first full-day strike of the year to protest
   what it said was government persecution of political rivals and
   worsening law and order.

   North Korea ready to resume dialogue with US

   South Korea's special presidential envoy Lim Dong-won has said that
   North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was ready to re-enter a dialogue with
   the United States. Lim, who has just returned from a visit to
   Communist North Korea , said Kim Jong-il had also agreed to resume
   reunions of families divided since the end of the Korean war, and to
   open tourism and economic cooperation talks. North Korea suspended
   cooperation with South Korea in November last year, claiming that
   South Korea's main ally, the United States, had adopted hostile
   policies towards it. Washington has pressed North Korea to eliminate
   its weapons of mass destruction. U.S. President Bush has also angered
   North Korea by calling it part of an axis of evil with Iran and

   Uzbek MPs extend Karimov's term to almost 8 years

   Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov has had his five-year term
   extended to almost eight years. The Uzbek parliament on Friday set
   the next presidential election for December 2007. The move follows a
   referendum in January in which 90 percent of Uzbekistan's voters
   backed a constitutional amendment extending the president's term from
   five years to seven. Western human rights organisations criticised
   the January vote, saying it was a ploy by Karimov to cling to power.
   Karimov, the former leader of the Uzbek Communist Party, has been in
   office since 1991.

   Canada to Resume Deportation of Algerians

   Canada said it would resume the deportation of Algerians whose
   applications to stay in Canada had been turned down and who had
   exhausted all avenues of appeal. The deportations had been halted
   since February, 1997, over concern about human rights in
   violence-wracked Algeria. The government now says that the
   circumstances are such that people could be sent back safely.

   Cargo Ship Sinks in the Mediterranean

   Rescue teams have recovered the bodies of four sailors from a Libyan
   cargo ship that sank off the Algerian coast. Rescuers were still
   searching for 21 crew members still missing, a Libyan shipping
   company official said. The ship, carrying 7,700 tons of flour was on
   its way to Tripoli in Libya from the Moroccan port of Casablanca when
   it sank in bad weather.

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