

Ozawa warns about China, says Japan could go nuclear

Sunday, April 7, 2002 at 18:00 JST

FUKUOKA - The leader of Japan's opposition Liberal Party, Ichiro
Ozawa, says it would be a simple matter for Japan to produce nuclear
weapons and surpass the military might of China if its neighbour got
"too inflated."

  Inviting a sharp response from Beijing, which is sensitive to any
signs of militarism in Japan, Ozawa told a seminar in the southern
city of Fukuoka Saturday that "China is applying itself to expansion
of military power."

  "If (China) gets too inflated, Japanese people will get hysterical,"
Kyodo news agency quoted him as saying.

  "It would be so easy for us to produce nuclear warheads. We have
plutonium at nuclear power plants in Japan, enough to make several
thousand such warheads," he said.

  Ozawa said his statements, coming only days before Japanese Prime
Minster Junichiro Koizumi visits China, were meant to encourage
stronger ties between China and Japan, the only country to have
suffered a nuclear attack.

  He said he made similar comments recently to a person he described as
being affiliated with the Chinese intelligence agency.

  "I told that person that if we get serious, we will never be beaten
in terms of military power," he said.

  Ozawa said Japan found itself in a difficult position.

  "Northeastern Asia, in which both China and North Korea are located,
is the most unstable region in the world," he said.

  "China is applying itself to expansion of military power in the hope
of becoming a superpower...following the United States."

  Koizumi will visit China for three days from April 11 to attend an
economic conference on Hainan island, although he is also expected to
meet Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji.

  Li Peng, chairman of China's parliament, who is on a visit to Japan,
said in an interview published in a regional newspaper on Saturday he
was optimistic about Japan-China relations.

  Li said Japan and China, long resentful over its treatment at the
hands of Japanese invaders, may encounter difficulties on the path to
closer ties because the countries were so different.

  "Even in such cases, the two nations can solve any problems with
effort and foresight," Li said in an interview with the Kitanippon
Press, a newspaper in western Japan.

  Li's visit is one of several high-level exchanges between China and
Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
ties in September 1972.

  Ties have been strained in recent times by Koizumi's visit last year
to a shrine honouring Japan's war dead, including convicted war
criminals, and Japan's approval of a history textbook that China and
other Asian countries say downplays Japan's wartime aggression.

(Reuters News)

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