
 Why waist precious bullets on yourself...

Miroslav Antic wrote:
>                       Copyright 2002 Associated Press
>                 April 11, 2002 Thursday 2:13 PM Eastern Time
>    HEADLINE: War crimes suspect shoots himself
>    BYLINE: DUSAN STOJANOVIC; Associated Press Writer
>    DATELINE: BELGRADE, Yugoslavia
>    A former Serbian police chief indicted for war crimes shot himself in
>    the head Thursday, hours after the Yugoslav parliament adopted a law
>    that allows arrests and extraditions to the U.N. tribunal.
>    Vlajko Stojiljkovic, who headed the police during former President
>    Slobodan Milosevic's reign, fired his pistol in front of the downtown
>    federal parliament building. Hospital sources said they were working
>    to save his life.
>    A police officer at the scene in front of the parliament said
>    Stojiljkovic walked out of the parliament building shortly after 7
>    p.m. (1700 GMT), appeared to hesitate a few minutes, and then calmly
>    pulled out a pistol and shot himself. He was seen lying in a pool of
>    blood in front of the parliament building's large wooden door.
>    Just a few hours earlier, lawmakers had passed a law that removes
>    legal obstacles for the arrest and extradition of top associates of
>    Milosevic and other war crimes suspects to the tribunal in The Hague,
>    Netherlands.
>    The extradition law - which applies to about 20 suspects hiding in
>    Yugoslavia - was approved by an 80-39 vote in the 138-seat lower
>    parliament chamber, with the other deputies absent. The 40-seat upper
>    house approved the law Wednesday and it will take effect upon
>    publication in the official gazette, expected within days.
>    Before the vote, Yugoslav Interior Minister Zoran Zivkovic, who is in
>    charge of police, predicted quick action.
>    "It can be expected that all the suspects will be handed over to The
>    Hague tribunal by May 1," Zivkovic said.
>    To satisfy a demand by lawmakers from Montenegro, the smaller of
>    Yugoslavia's two republics, who are former allies of Milosevic, the
>    law applies only to suspects already indicted by the U.N. tribunal.
>    Any indicted later would be tried by Yugoslav courts, it says.
>    The law - strongly opposed by allies of Milosevic, who was extradited
>    to the court last year - allows a district court judge to issue
>    warrants and order police to detain suspects. A suspect's transfer to
>    the tribunal would occur within a few weeks, allowing time for
> appeal.
>    Besides Stojiljkovic, the suspects likely to be extradited first were
>    top Milosevic associates indicted along with the ex-president in
>    connection with atrocities during the 1998-99 crackdown on ethnic
>    Albanians in Kosovo.
>    They include Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic, a former army commander and
>    Nikola Sainovic, a former security adviser.
>    One of the most wanted suspects, Bosnian Serb wartime military leader
>    Gen. Ratko Mladic, is believed to be hiding near Belgrade, in
>    Yugoslavia. He was indicted for genocide in 1995 along with former
>    Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan Karadzic, who is thought to be
>    in Bosnia.
>    In addition to allowing extradition, the law will also give U.N.
>    prosecutors access to archives, witnesses and other sources relevant
>    to investigating war crimes.
>    Djindjic, who had faced tough opposition from nationalists and
>    supporters of Milosevic for advocating cooperation with the tribunal,
>    said the law will resolve "all the problems we had with The Hague
>    court and the American administration."
>    The law's passage removes the major obstacle cited opponents of
>    extraditions, including Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica, who
> has
>    stressed that suspects should not be sent to the U.N. court without a
>    law regulating the process. Lawmakers from Kostunica's party voted in
>    favor of the bill Thursday, leaving only Milosevic allies against it.
>    The leaders of Serbia, the larger of Yugoslavia's republics,
>    effectively set the country's policy. Serbian Prime Minister Zoran
>    Djindjic was the key architect of Milosevic's arrest and extradition,
>    which was carried out despite resistance from rivals. Milosevic is
> now
>    on trial for his alleged role in atrocities committed by his troops
> in
>    Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia.
>    The United States has demanded that the other suspects also be handed
>    over to the U.N. court. The U.S. Congress had set a March 31 deadline
>    for economically struggling Yugoslavia to cooperate with the tribunal
>    or lose tens of millions of dollars in financial assistance and U.S.
>    support for loans from international organizations.
>    With the deadline passed, no U.S. assistance checks can be written
> for
>    Yugoslavia until Powell certifies the country's compliance.
>      _________________________________________________________________


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