
<<<"These events that brought blood and pain should be a lesson for 
Chavez said, ***in apparent reference to the violent demonstrations that
led up to the coup***and continued during his captivity.>>>

 No. In an apparent spin by Agence France Nazis. 


Barry Stoller wrote:
> AFP. 14 April 2002. Chavez assumes presidency in televised ceremony in
> the presidential palace.
> CARACAS -- A teary-eyed Hugo Chavez assumed the presidency of Venezuela
> in a dramatic ceremony at the presidential palace Sunday, his voice
> choked with emotion after his removal from office during a two-day coup
> d'etat.
> "I am still stupefied. I am still trying to assimilate the process,"
> Chavez said, speaking directly into the television cameras.
> Chavez returned by helicopter from detention on a Caribbean island early
> Sunday and entered the presidential palace in Caracas where he is
> expected to resume the presidential functions he was ousted from two
> days ago.
> "We can write I don't know how many books for Venezuelan history and for
> the world of what this counterrevolutionary process is about," said
> Chavez in a defiant tone.
> Chavez was sworn in wearing civilian clothing and spoke at length of
> continued civilian-military collaboration.
> "These events that brought blood and pain should be a lesson for all,"
> Chavez said, in apparent reference to the violent demonstrations that
> led up to the coup and continued during his captivity.
> "I call for peace. I call for calm, for rationality, for the unity of
> the country," he said, in a conciliatory tone that his supporters also
> used earlier in the day when addressing the deeply-divided Venezuelan
> people.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Barry Stoller


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