
  Is my name AHMED AMR? No. As such, did I write the title of this 
article? No. Did I write the actual article? No. Do you see the 
following sentence listed anywhere in the article: I, David Obiekwe 
Quarter, fully endorse the words expressed in this piece? No. Must we 
agree with the opinions expressed in each and every article sent to this 
list? No.

If the title of the article had read: The Idiots Guide to White 
Supremacy,  would we having this conversation? Not likely. Had White 
South Africans made up the brass of the American media and used this 
influence to support thier country's genocidal policies towards the 
blacks, would Heather Cottin be singing the same tune? I doubt it. 

> They're Zionists, they are racists, imperialist lackeys. Calling them 
> "Yiddish supremacists" is racist and anti-Semitic in the extreme. Let us 
> stay 
> away from religious mudslinging attacks. The issue isn't religion. Not 
> all 
> Islamic people are progressive (the governments of most Middle eastern 
> nations spring to mind) we don't vilify the US because the majority are 
> Christians. All of this is in thruth about  capitalism, class, 
> imperialism 
> and militarism. 
> It is true that the majority of Jews in the nation (US) have been 
> manipulated 
> by their temples  and religious affiliatted groups to support Israel and 
> oppose the Palestinians. But that is also true of all the American 
> people who 
> support US foreign policy, manipulated by the US government and the 
> bourgeois 
> media. 
> The manipulated people can be freed of their false consciousness by 
> analysis, 
> organizing and a general feeling of discomfort with the policies of the 
> State(s) they support. But if they are backed into a corner by racist 
> remarks 
> or ethnic slurs, they can't see past their own identities. Such attacks 
> only 
> strengthen imperialist manipulation of nationalist antagonisms. 
> Heather Cottin


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