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By D. Baatar, Jared Israel, Nestor Gorojovsky & Nico Varkevisser
[Posted 14 April 2002]

To paraphrase an old proverb: "Celebrate in haste; repent at leisure." 

On September 13th the New York Times rushed to gloat that one more 
opponent of the US Empire had been crushed. 

Never you mind that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez had been elected by 
overwhelming popular vote. (In contrast, might we note, to George Walker 

An editorial in the Times described the Venezuelan military/big business 
coup d'état as an effort to reassert democracy: 

"Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be 
dictator...[because] the military intervened and handed power to a 
respected business leader." - N Y Times (1) 

And the Times added: 

"But democracy has not yet been restored, and won't be until a new 
president is elected." (1) 

In the bad old Cold War days, the US Establishment used to attack its 
opponents for not holding multiparty elections. 

Well, Venezuela did hold multiparty elections and Chávez won by a 
landslide. But this was not sufficient. 

In the New World Order, democracy is not defined any longer as holding 
elections. Democracy is defined as supporting US polices. No matter how 
many elections Chávez won by how many landslides, his resistance to US 
Diktat made him by definition antidemocratic, that is, "a would-be 

Thus when the military took over Venezuela three days ago and installed 
a pro-Washington big business leader as President, the Times did not 
describe this military coup d'état as a threat to democracy. Rather, 
they described it as *ending* a threat to democracy. 

Similarly, in the past, NY Times editorials have immediately applauded 
coup d'états in Yugoslavia (overthrowing elected President Slobodan 
Milosevic) and the Philippines (overthrowing elected President Joseph 

But this time the Times gloated a bit too soon. 


Since the New World Order has re-defined democracy as subservience to US 
diktat, it is only fair that the democratic content of every event 
should be given a rating by the US government. 

Thus it is by no means surprising that the US State Department issued a 
Press Statement rating the democratic content of the Venezuelan coup 

The only problem is, the State Department, like the New York Times, 
published a bit too soon. 

Within hours of the coup, a State Department Press Statement declared 
unqualified support for the coup. This document praised the military, 
which had just seized power, for acting with "restraint" and blamed Hugo 
Chávez for the coup d'état because under his government: 

"essential elements of democracy...have been weakened in recent months." 

- State Dep't Statement (2) 

To what "essential elements of democracy" might State be referring? They 
didn't say, but all the newspapers have pointed out that the big dispute 
in Venezuela has been over the State-owned oil company. 

Venezuelan President Chávez had weakened "essential elements of 
democracy" by appointing as leaders of the state-owned oil company 
people that were (horrors!) loyal to his administration rather than to 
Chevron Oil and, perhaps even worse, by selling oil to Cuba at an 
affordable price. 

Chávez must not have been aware that that willingness to strangle Cuba 
is a crucial component of the New World Order's definition of 

The State Department declaration repeated the common media line, without 
introducing a shred of evidence, that: 

"Chávez supporters, on orders, fired on unarmed, peaceful protestors, 
resulting in more than 100 wounded or killed." (2) 


"The results of these provocations are: Chávez resigned the presidency. 
Before resigning, he dismissed the Vice President and the Cabinet. A 
transition civilian government has promised early elections." (2) 

So let's get this right. 

First, Chávez ordered his supporters to kill a few opponents. This could 
hardly have been expected to disperse a large demonstration which had 
been called by leading TV stations and part of the military. But it 
could certainly have been expected to assist military leaders who were 
openly looking for - or trying to manufacture - an excuse to stage a 
coup d'état. 

Having provided this excuse by murdering said opponents Chávez then 
switched character and acted with remorse by firing himself and everyone 
else who was (we are told) involved. This Chávez is very mercurial, no? 

We can now state with certainty that a) Chávez never resigned; b) he 
never dismissed his vice president and cabinet. In other words, the 
State Department, confident that Chávez had been silenced for good, was 

But why? 

Because they wanted the military takeover to appear as a "Change of 
Government" (which, by the way is the title of the State Department 
declaration) rather than what it was: a US instigated military coup 

To allow this, it was necessary that before departing the scene Chávez 
should dismiss every single top government official, and then himself. 

Mind you, it would have been entirely unacceptable for Chávez to begin 
by firing himself. Once he dismissed himself he would no longer have had 
the authority to dismiss the vice president and all cabinet members. 
This would have violated prescribed State Department procedures, making 
it undemocratic. 

Since we know for sure that the State Department was lying through its 
teeth when it claimed Chávez had resigned and fired everyone, isn't it 
reasonable to believe they were also lying through their teeth when they 
claimed he ordered supporters to shoot some opponents?

Keep in mind that shooting opponents was an act which (like dismissing 
his government) could only have helped his opponents by giving them a 
seeming justification for the coup d'état which had been openly called 
for by some military officers, appearing on "opposition" TV stations. 

Even as the Mighty and their Media congratulated themselves on the 
"democratic" coup and admired this reassertion of their invincibility, 
another voice was heard. 

The wretched of this earth, residents of the slums of Caracas, whose 
suffering is the ugly secret of the glossy US Empire, came in their 
thousands, in from the countryside, down from the hills around Caracas, 
and with loyalist soldiers they took Venezuela back from the hands of 
what the CIA boys like to call "Civil society," and all we can say is 
this is how the current worldwide empire of lies will end: by just such 
actions of the ordinary, wonderful, decent people of this world, God 
bless them. 




1) The New York Times April 13, 2002, Saturday, Late Edition - Final 
Section A; Page 16; Column 1; Editorial Desk "Hugo Chávez Departs" 

2) Press Statement Philip T. Reeker, Deputy Spokesman Washington, DC 
April 12, 2002 "Venezuela: Change of Government" 

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