

S300PMU Kanwa Photo

<Kanwa News Jan 30, 2002> Having obtained S300 SAM, Chinese Air Force's defense strategies are undergoing some modifications. Senior Colonel Lu Dexi, the commander of the S300 SAM brigade, put forward the concept of "offensive air defense" (Gong Shi Fan Kong) in a recently published treatise. He believes that in order to implement the principle of balanced offense and defense (Gong Fan Jian Bei), an "offensive air defense" strategy must be established. The fundamental principle of the "offensive air defense" is to launch mobilized surface to air offensive attacks and aim the enemy's combat aircrafts at the flight routes. The theory stresses the importance of launching active assaults and making ambushes. The treatise emphasizes that with the long effective range of S300 SAM, when conducting air defense operations at the Taiwan Strait region, Chinese Air Force can launch active assaults against the enemy's aircrafts shortly after they have taken off. In this way, offensive air defense can be achieved. The article also points out the importance of "offensive air defense" in intercepting cruise missiles as well as the value of making a flexible ambush. The author puts forward the idea of targeting the enemy's cruise missiles and making an ambush at its flying route by mobilized SAM. <Kanwa>

The article stresses the possibility of using S300 SAM to attack cruise missiles, believing that its low-altitude radar has the function of detecting cruise missiles. Recently, it is discovered that the Air Force's S300 SAM was frequently involved in the series mobile exercises. Chinese Air Force has also readjusted its "missile/gun combination" (Dan Pao Jie he) air defense strategy. It is believed that in the air defense age of systematic confrontations, the "missile/gun combination" strategy must be extended to the "missile/gun/plane combination" (Dan Pao Ji Jie He) stage, and fighter-bombers should take aggressive actions to attack the enemy's air strike power and destroy its in-depth air targets. By crippling the enemy's overall air strike capability, the "offensive air defense" can be partially achieved. It can be concluded that the "offensive air defense" carried out by combat aircrafts now includes both fighters and fighter-bombers. The "offensive air defense" and "missile/gun/plane combination" theories naturally lead to the trend that China's air defense operations will be composed of the following sections: SU30MKK/ JH7 will be responsible for bombing or launching attacks upon the accumulation camps of the enemy's air strike power, SU 27 for destroying and intercepting enemy's air targets, and S300 SAM for conducting long distance ground to air assaults. <Kanwa News>

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