
>From :  "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject :    Re: Phil Kent of Southeastern Legal takes on U.S. Rep. Cynthia
Date :  Fri, 26 Apr 2002 17:58:29 -0400

           Dear Mr. Kent,

           I believe you are wrong in your campaign to get Ms. Cynthia
           suspended from her committee assignments in the U.S. House of
           Representatives.  Rep. McKinney had a lot of courage to raise the
           questions she has about the events of September 11th at a time
when the
           pressure is so strong for members of Congress to act in lock-step
           President Bush in his "war on terrorism" without raising any
           about the wisdom of his actions.

           The American people have a right to hear what Rep. McKinney has to
           about the possibility of Bush's foreknowledge of the 9/11/01
           and make up their own minds as to whether the evidence she
presents is
           convincing.  In the interst of Freedom of Speech, her efforts to
           answers for troubling questions should not be censored.

           I believe you should provide evidence for your claim that the
money she
           recieves comes from people who support "terrorists".  Simply
           groups or individuals are Arab or Middle Eastern does not mean
that they
           support terrorists.  I happen to know of and work with several
           who work for a change in US policy in the Middle East, but do not
           contribute any money to anybody who could be considered a
           such as suicide bombers.  Some of these groups have asked people
           contribute money toward her investigation simply because they feel
           they investigation should go forward in the intersts of getting
the full
           truth out to the American public.

           I understand that your organization's purpose is to promote
           accountability for elected officials".  However, consistant with
           aim, wouldn't it be appropriate to investigate the accountabliliy
of the
           Bush Administration and those who support his military actions who
           taken campaign contributions from oil companies?  Wouldn't it be
           appropriate to investigate the financial intersts that these
           have in controlling the oil resources in Afghanistan, and how
           intersts may have influenced legislator's support for the military

           action in Afghanistan?

           Peacefully Yours,
           Nancy A. Hey

              From: "Phil Kent, SLF President" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              Subject: Phil Kent of Southeastern Legal takes on U.S. Rep.
              Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 13:44:08 -0400

              Dear SLF Supporters:

              U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), one of the most liberal
              members of Congress who recently accused President George W.
              Bush and his administration of knowing beforehand about the
              attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 yet remaining silent - and of
              profiting from the war on terrorism, has received thousands
              of dollars in campaign contributions from Arab and Middle
              Eastern individuals and organizations who support
              terrorists!  I urge you to visit our web site for the
              latest research:

              <A href = ""; >AOL Users Click

              While she is receiving these dirty dollars, she receives
              daily classified briefings on the war against terrorism from
              her postings on the House Armed Services and International
              Relations Committees!  Southeastern Legal Foundation has
              called upon House Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt to
              suspend McKinney from her sensitive committee assignments
              until the U.S. House can get to the bottom of her campaign
              contribution debacle. National security demands no less!

              TONIGHT, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, I will be appearing on FOX News
              Special Report with Brit Hume (6 p.m. EST) on the McKinney

              On SATURDAY, APRIL 27, I will be appearing on FOX News
              FOXWIRE with Rita Cosby (10 p.m. EST) to discuss and debate
              the McKinney matter.

              As you have come to expect, Southeastern Legal Foundation is
              an effective government watchdog organization and
              constitutional law firm dedicated to public accountability
              for elected officials. The McKinney crisis exemplifies our
              willingness to take on the tough fights and urge action in
              the court of public opinion.  As with our ongoing legal
              fight challenging campaign finance reform, our past battle
              protecting the U.S. Census in the U.S. Supreme Court, and
              the disbarment of former President Clinton, we depend on
              your support to remain at the forefront of major battles
              facing our nation and its freedom-loving citizens.  To make
              a tax-deductible contribution in support of this fight,
              please visit:

              <A href = ""; >AOL
              Click Here</A>

              Also, we are proud to announce that our annual event in
              Atlanta, CELEBRATE AMERICA, will this year host U.S. House
              Majority Whip Tom DeLay as the Keynote Speaker.  The event
              will be in Atlanta on June 21, 2002.  We would love to have
              each of you in attendance for this special event.  Please
              visit our web site regularly for details:
              <A href = ""; >AOL Users Click

              Again, thank you for your support. And, thanks for tuning
              in to FOX News Channel tonight and tomorrow night for more
              on the McKinney crisis.

              Yours in freedom,

              Phil Kent

              SLF President

              If you would like to unsubscribe from the Southeastern Legal
              Foundation Action Updates or update your e-mail address
              please visit our web site at the link provided below:


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