
Saturday April 27, 4:35 PM 
Khatami says "radical warmongers" drive US policy

-Iran is thought to be alarmed at the foothold the
United States has secured in Central Asia since
September 11, with US and allied troops now stationed
in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami blasted US Middle
East policy in an interview published here, saying it
was driven by "radical warmongers."
Khatami, whose nation was lumped with Iraq and North
Korea in George W. Bush's "axis of evil," said the US
president was acting against the best interests of the
United States.
"After the tragic September 11 events the United
States abused world sympathy, and Israel activated its
lobby and took advantage of Bush's lack of
experience," he told the International Herald Tribune.
He said the Bush administration "fell victim to this
trap, against US interests."
Bush's "axis of evil" speech in February appeared to
put on a hold a thaw between Washington and Tehran's
Islamic regime, who have not had diplomatic relations
since 1980.
Iran assisted the US drive to topple the Taliban
regime in neighbouring Afghanistan as part of its war
on terrorism after the September 11 attacks in the
United States.
But Khatami's comments reflected the outrage in the
Muslim and Arab worlds over US backing for Israel's
assault on the Palestinians, which Israel also calls a
war on terrorism.
The paper reported that he said a "radical warmonger"
group was willing to risk an escalating conflict in
the Middle East in order to back Israel and install US
military power in the region.
He said Bush's hardline stance against Tehran had
hardened "national solidarity" in Iran, where Khatami
has led a reform movement kept at heel by the regime's
powerful conservatives.
An Iranian opposition leader told AFP in Tehran
earlier this month that Bush's "axis of evil" speech
had set off "national reconciliation" between Iran's
sparring political movements.
Tehran has denied US allegations that it has been
selling arms to the Palestinians or harbouring
al-Qaeda fighters who fled Afghanistan.
Khatami told the paper that Iran was ready for better
relations with the United States if Bush would move
away from "the language of evil."
He was speaking in Kazakhstan during a Central Asia
tour as Tehran vies with the United States for
influence over the region's vast gas and oil reserves.
Iran is thought to be alarmed at the foothold the
United States has secured in Central Asia since
September 11, with US and allied troops now stationed
in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

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