Dear Nancy,
An enlightened and well read friend of mine and I were discussing this very topic earlier and we came to the following conclusions:
  • Milosevic, as opposed to Sharon, was conducting legitimate anti-terrorist operations ON THE SOVEREIGN AND CONSTITUENT TERRITORY OF JUGOSLAVIA (Kosovo).  Sharon, on the other hand, has been carrying out his bloody deeds ON OCCUPIED LANDS (in contravention of a plethora of UN resolutions) IN FURTHERANCE OF THAT ILLEGAL OCCUPATION AND THE FURTHER EXPANSION OF THE TERRITORY OF ISRAEL AT THE EXPENSE OF THOSE LANDS SO ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED.
  • The charge against Milosevic was the 'indiscriminate "slaughter"' of Albanian 'civilians' during the above cited anti-terrorist operations.  True, Albanian civilians were occasionally 'caught in the crossfire' during these anti-terrorist operations.  However, Milosevic's anti-terrorist operations could hardly be said to have been aimed at THE COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF THE KOSOVAR ALBANIAN CIVILIANS AND INFRASTRUCTURE.  Sharon's bloody operations, on the other hand, are self-evidently DESIGNED TO COMPLETELY DESTROY THE CIVILIAN INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE PALESTINIANS MAKING THE ALREADY MARGINAL EXISTENCE OF THE PALESTINIANS IMPOSSIBLE.
  • When Milosevic made an agreement with the 'murderous asshole' Holbrooke to withdraw JNA and Serbian anti-terrorist forces from Kosovo, he held to that agreement and with dispatch withdrew those forces.  Sharon, on the other hand, HAS HEMMED, HAWED, DAWDLED AND DELAYED AT EVERY JUNCTURE.  In spite of the Shrub's 'insistence' that Sharon withdraw his forces from the West Bank, every such 'withdrawal' hailed by the mainline media is nothing more than a strategic pullback to just outside the Palestinian towns and cities accompanied by numerous and repeated 'sweeps' through yet more Palestinian towns and cities.  All without even the hint of any US military pressure (as opposed to virtually every step in the US initiated wars of Jugoslav dissolution).
There I believe you have 3 rather dramatic and distinct points of difference between the policies of Milosevic and Sharon.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 08:22
Subject: People who equate Slobodan Milosevic with Ariel Sharon [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> ---------------------------
> Dear friends,
> I've noticed a very disturbing trend recently at pro-Palestinian rallies
> that I've been to, and that is the tendency of certain people to carry signs
> with slogans on them like "Sharon = Milosevic", and "Hitler, Milosevic,
> Sharon, United They Stand".
> I'm disturbed by this trend, because these people don't seem to realize that
> Slobodan Milosevic, unlike Ariel Sharon, never was a tool of American
> imperialism, in fact, he is a victim of it through his prosecution at the
> "kangaroo" court in the Hague, and whether or not one agrees with all of his
> policies, one should recognize this fact, and condemn that court more than
> Mr. Milosevic, for being a tool of American and NATO imperialism.  I fear
> that people, by carrying these signs, are just giving legitimacy to the
> imperialists' campaign of demonizing Mr. Milosevic and by extension the
> whole Serbian people.  When they claim to be opposed to American imperialism
> by opposing US support for Israel, they should not make their point by
> legitimizing imperialism in its other forms.  Would they try to make their
> point that Ariel Sharon is bad by comparing him to Fidel Castro?
> I've tried to approach people carrying these signs, but they've always just
> responded by saying that they believe "Milosevic is a war criminal" or "he's
> killing Muslims".
> I'd like to know what can be done to make poeple like this see the light,
> any kind of literature we can give them that might clarify the error of this
> analogy?  Any suggestions, anyone?
> Peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey
> ---------------------------
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