
[Between Ariel Sharon and Prince Saud, heaven help the
Palestinian people.]

Saudi Prince Wants Peacekeeping Force in Israel
April 28, 2002
— DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's foreign minister
said in an interview published Sunday that his country
wanted an international peacekeeping force to be sent
to the Middle East under any deal to end
Israeli-Palestinian violence.
Prince Saud al-Faisal, who has been in the United
States where Crown Prince Abdallah held talks with
President Bush, told the London-based Asharq al-Awsat
newspaper that the oil-rich Arab state no longer
believed observers -- as proposed under a U.S.-
brokered plan -- would be sufficient.
"We now want international forces to protect the
Palestinians and ensure security along the lines of
what was done in the Balkans," he told the paper.
NATO peacekeepers were deployed in the Balkans in
Kosovo, where the United Nations took control in 1999
after Yugoslav forces withdrew after a NATO bombing
campaign, launched to halt Serb repression of the
province's ethnic Albanian majority.
Prince Saud said Saudi Arabia did not support a
proposal for observers to monitor a truce under CIA
Director George Tenet's blueprint agreed last year.
"We think the (magnitude of) events goes beyond the
capabilities of observers," he said.
At least 1,315 Palestinians and 458 Israelis have been
killed since a Palestinian uprising against Israeli
occupation flared in September 2000 after peace talks
Prince Saud said the kingdom presented the United
States with an eight-point plan for the revival of
peace talks, which complements an earlier Saudi
land-for-peace initiative for normalizing Arab
relations with Israel in exchange for full Israeli
withdrawal from Arab land occupied in 1967.
He said Saudi officials had kept in constant telephone
contact with senior Palestinian officials during last
week's talks in the U.S.
He added, without giving details, that the Saudis had
passed on Palestinian proposals for a solution to
Palestinian-Israeli stand-offs in Bethlehem and
Prince Saud repeated Saudi denials of media reports
that Riyadh was considering using its vast oil
resources as a weapon to influence U.S. policy.
Crown Prince Abdallah and the Saudi delegation have
delayed their departure from Texas as talks continued
with the Bush administration about Middle East peace


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