
Korean Central News Agency

Extracts Apr 27-28

Rodong Sinmun on President Kim Il Sung's independent policies
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung was a peerlessly
great man who glorified the century with his independent policies, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The president wisely led the revolution, the country and people with his
outstanding idea and tested leadership. His noble revolutionary life was the
epitome of the political history of the 20th century and a glorious history
in which an epoch-making example of an independent policy was created.
    His independent policies were great ones to achieve and defend the
independence of the popular masses based on the immortal Juche idea and the
most revolutionary ones to adhere to the steadfast anti-imperialist stand
and strengthen the driving force of the revolution in every way and thus
lead the revolution and construction to victory.
    The policies shaped by the president were independent ones strictly
based on the philosophical principle of Juche.
    Adhering to the steadfast anti-imperialist stand is an important
requirement for pursuing an independent policy.
    He formed the down-with-imperialism union under the banner of the
anti-imperialist independence and started the Korean revolution in his early
years. Since those days of the anti-Japanese revolution, he had firmly
adhered to the anti-imperialist independent stand all his life.
    He rallied the popular masses as one, guided by the Juche idea and
solved all problems relying on their strength, thus giving origin to the
benevolent politics, the first of its kind in history.
    The tradition of following independent policies has been successfully
carried forward by leader Kim Jong Il. as a result, the country enjoys the
highest dignity and honor and the 21st century is shining as a century of
independent policies.


Bush's repeated remarks about "axis of evil" under fire
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Bush in a recent speech made before
cadets of Virginia military academy termed any country possessing or
developing "biological and chemical and nuclear weapons" and manufacturing
missiles capable of carrying those weapons an "axis of evil" and "rogue
state." Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses this as an
American style brigandish logic.
    It is the united states that stockpiled nuclear weapons more than any
other powers in the world and keeps huge aggressor forces in different parts
of the world. 
    It is none other than the u.s. which is creating the danger of war on
the Korean Peninsula and watching for a chance to invade the DPRK.
    Bush's repeated clamour about an "axis of evil" glaringly reveals the
U.S. invariable design to stifle the DPRK.
    The DPRK considers his repeated talk about "an axis of evil" as an open
provocation and threat of aggression to it no matter what intention and
calculation prompted him to let loose such remarks again.
    This behaviour of bush only hardens the DPRK's determination to react to
the U.S. hard-line with a toughest stand.
    The U.S. ruling quarters are well advised to bear in mind that they are
bound to stand isolated in the international arena, if they continue talking
about an "axis of evil."


Joint statement between WPK and October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- A joint statement was made public by the
Workers' Party of Korea and the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of Brazil
in Pyongyang on April 27. In the joint statement, the WPK highly praised the
October 8 Revolutionary Movement for its positive efforts to strengthen the
party ranks and rally the democratic political parties and organizations and
popular masses around one united front under the banner of anti-imperialist
independence and socialism and promote the process of independence, social
justice and democracy in the country against the domination and interference
of the imperialists, and extended support and solidarity to them.
    The October 8 Revolutionary Movement highly appreciated the WPK and the
Korean people for their great progress and achievements in the struggle to
defend and glorify Korean-style socialism centering on the popular masses
and realise the independent reunification of the country under the
outstanding army-based revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il, General
Secretary of the WPK, sternly smashing the imperialists' continued moves for
isolation and suffocation, and extended firm solidarity to them.
    The statement went on:
    Both sides expressed their firm will to make all efforts to further
strengthen international unity and solidarity among the revolutionary
parties and arrange a decisive occasion for new progress in the struggle for
a victory of the socialist cause, a hope and future of humankind. Both sides
reaffirmed their determination to take a powerful joint action in defence of
world peace and security.
    The Workers' Party of Korea and the October 8 Revolutionary Movement of
Brazil will, in the future, too, support and cooperate close in the joint
struggle for a victory of the human cause of independence and the socialist
cause, holding high the revolutionary banner of independence against
    The joint statement was signed by Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the WPK
Central Committee, and Claudio Campos, General Secretary of the October 8
Revolutionary Movement of Brazil.


Revival of Japanese militarism under fire
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNNA)-- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification reportedly issued a statement
titled "we strongly denounce the revival of Japanese militarism" on April
23. Recalling that Japanese prime minister Koizumi on April 21 visited the
Yasukuni Shrine to be followed by 91 ruling and opposition dietmen on April
23, the statement said:
    The price for the blood shed by the Koreans owing to the arson, plunder
and murder committed by the Japanese imperialists during their military rule
over Korea still remains unpaid.
    Despite this, they commit again such outrage as scattering salt on
internal organs of human bodies.
    It strongly urged the authorities to terminate the unequal and shackling
relations with the Japanese government, force it to make an apology and
compensation for Japan's past crimes and strongly react to those acts of
hurting the dignity of the Korean nation including the distortion of the
history textbook and claim for dominion over Tok islet.


S. Korean foreign minister hit for his reckless remarks
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- South Korean minister of foreign affairs
and trade Choe Song Hong spoke highly of the hard-line policy of the Bush
administration toward the DPRK during his visit to the U.S., saying that it
brought new progress in the north-south relations. The committee for the
peaceful reunification of the fatherland in a statement today said that his
remarks betray an ulterior intention to curry favour with the master and
harm the fellow countrymen with his help, utterly indifferent to improving
the north-south relations and developing dialogue.
    The north-south relations, which had been in a state of freeze due to
the U.S. hard-line policy toward the DPRK, have been brought back on track
and dialogue and contacts between the north and the south resumed entirely
thanks to the steadfast will and sincere efforts of the DPRK to resolve the
national question independently by the efforts of the Korean nation without
depending on outside forces, the statement noted, and went on:
    The South Korean foreign minister's remarks attributing the restored
north-south relations to the result of the U.S. policy of "strength" are an
unpardonable insult and challenge to the dialogue partner and an intolerable
slavish submission.
    What merits a serious attention is that such outburst let loose by the
senior most official who is in charge of the issues of inter-Korean
relations and peace on the Korean peninsula is by no means his personal view
but represents the official stand of the authorities.
    It is the consistent stand of the DPRK to react to the U.S. policy of
"strength" intended to infringe upon its sovereignty with its toughest
position, not tolerating it in the least, and it is its firm will to let the
nation play a main role in solving its internal problem by itself under all
    Those who react to good with evil are fated to meet only sledge-hammer
    Such traitors who make a mockery of and insult the fellow countrymen,
kowtowing to their master the U.S., as Choe Song Hong should be dislodged
and eliminated at once.
    It is impossible to implement the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration
and expect any improvement in the inter-Korean relations as long as these
elements remain in office.
    If the authorities of the south side sincerely hope that the
inter-Korean relations will improve in the spirit of the joint declaration,
they should apologize for the reckless remarks made by Choe Song Hong and
take a responsible and understandable measure against his practice.
    The DPRK will closely watch the south side's attitude.


Separated families and relatives from north and south of Korea reunite
     Kumgangsan, April 28 (KCNA) -- Separated families and relatives from
the north of Korea reunited with kinsfolk from the south in Mt. Kumgang
today. This reunion of 100 persons from each side, the fourth of its kind
since the publication of the historic June 15 joint declaration, was made
according to the joint press release agreed upon and published at the time
when the special envoy of the south side visited Pyongyang early in April at
its own request. 
    Under the agreement of the two sides, those persons from the south
reunited with a group of their families and relatives in the north at
Kumgangsan Hotel, the first meeting place, at 17:00.
    They were deeply moved to see the dream-like realities in which their
children, brothers and sisters and relatives have grown up beyond
recognition under the care of the DPRK, and expressed deep admiration at the
popular policies of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    The reunion continues.


Kim Jong Il meets leading members of Russia national dance ensemble
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
received Elena Aleksandrovna Sherbakova, head of the Moiseyev State Academy
National Dance Ensemble on a visit to the DPRK, and its other leading
members and principal actors and actresses. Present there were Konstantin
Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary representative of the president of
the Russian Federation to the far east federal district, on a visit to the
DPRK and Andrei Gennadievich Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK.
    After warmly welcoming the dance ensemble's visit to the DPRK and
expressing thanks for giving a splendid performance, Kim Jong Il had an
amicable and friendly talk with the guests.
    The head of the dance ensemble expressed heartfelt thanks to Kim Jong Il
for seeing its performance on the auspicious occasion of celebrating the
70th anniversary of the Korean People's Army and giving the ensemble a pep
    Kim Jong Il had a photograph taken with the artistes of the ensemble.


Greetings to South African President
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of
the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK sent a message of greetings to
South African President Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki on April 19 on the occasion of
its national day. The message wished the president and the people of South
Africa greater success in their work for peace and development of the
country and expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations
between the two countries would grow stronger in the interests of the two


WPS signs signature paper
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- Leading officials of the Workers' Party of
Switzerland on April 13 signed a signature paper on behalf of the party,
supporting the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and demanding the
immediate withdrawal of the U.S. troops from South Korea. Among them were
national chairman Christian Jaquet, chairman of its leadership committee
Anjuska Weil and the chairman of the central committee.


U.S. responsible for Korea's division
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- Stephen Palmer Clark, member of the
political bureau of the Socialist Workers' Party of the United States, who
is heading the delegation of the party was interviewed by KCNA at Panmunjom
on April 22. He said that the United States is chiefly responsible for the
division of Korea into two parts.
    The U.S. forces in South Korea are the stumbling block lying in the way
of Korea's reunification, he noted, and went on:
    But for the intervention and obstructions on the part of the U.S., a
foreign power, Korea would have already been reunified.
    In this context we are strongly opposed to and critical of the U.S.
forces' presence in South Korea.
    With no pretext can the u.s. justify its forces' presence in South
    Our party will work hard to get the u.s. forces withdrawn from South
    The U.S. administration should withdraw its forces from South Korea at
once, swimming with the trend of the world and properly understanding the
desire of the Korean people. This will do the Americans good either.


Solidarity with Korean people expressed in Europe
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- A joint meeting of organizations for
friendship and solidarity with theKorean people in Europe was held in
Copenhagen, Denmark, on April 20. Present there were delegations of the
Sweden-Korea Friendship Association, the Germany-DPRK Association, the
France-Korea Friendship Association, the Finland-Korea Association, the
Norway-Korea Friendship Association, the Luxembourg-Korea Friendship
Association, the British Association for Friendship with Korea, the Spanish
Association for Friendship with Korea, the Malta-Korea Friendship
Association, the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association and the Swiss Committee
for Supporting Korea's Reunification.
    A report of the secretary general of the British Association for
Friendship with Korea was followed by speeches at the joint meeting. Then
the meeting heard about the experience gained by the Spanish Association for
Friendship with Korea in its activities.
    The meeting adopted an action program of the organizations for
friendship and solidarity with the Korean people in Europe and a letter of
protest addressed to the U.S. President.
    The action program underscored the need to intensify the activities for
supporting the Korean people in their just struggle to defend and glorify
socialism and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the
    The letter denounced the U.S. administration for undisguisedly
interfering in the internal affairs of the DPRK in wanton violation of its
sovereignty and bringing dark clouds of war there.
    It strongly demanded the U.S. administration drop its reckless hostile
policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK and its moves for aggression against
the DPRK, withdraw its forces from South Korea as soon as possible and stop
at once its acts obstructive to the implementation of the June 15
North-South Joint Declaration.


Banquet given on occasion of Army Day
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- A banquet was given by the Central
Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and the National Defence Commission
of the DPRK at the People's Palace of Culture yesterday in celebration of
the 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. Present there were
officials of the party, the state and the army. Among those present were
chairman So Man Sul of the central standing committee of the General
Association of Korean Residents in Japan, delegations of overseas
compatriots in different parts of the world including the delegation of
Koreans in Japan and overseas compatriots on visits to the homeland on the
occasion of the Day of the Sun.
    Invited there were the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea, foreign diplomatic envoys and members of
the military attaches' corps here.
    KPA vice marshal Jo Myong Rok, first vice-chairman of the DPRK National
Defence Commission and director of the general political department of the
KPA, made a speech there.
    The foundation of the KPA was a historic event which brought about an
epochal turn in the revolutionary struggle of the Korean people and a solemn
declaration proclaiming the birth of the first revolutionary people's armed
forces of Juche type in Korea, he said, and continued:
    Thanks to the army-based tradition of Mt. Paektu established by
President Kim Il Sung the Korean army and people could win historic
victories in the two grim wars of revolution, ushering in a new era of
national independence and prosperity, and dynamically advance the revolution
and construction despite all difficulties and challenges.
    Regarding it as an immovable principle of revolutionary leadership to
give priority to the army and accomplish the cause of Juche, leader Kim Jong
Il has pursued an invincible army-based policy and strengthened and
developed the KPA into an invincible army by carrying forward and developing
Kim Il Sung's idea of giving priority to the army and, at the same time,
dynamically pushed forward the overall socialist construction by raising the
leadership role of the revolutionary armed forces.
    Thanks to Kim Jong Il's outstanding army-based revolutionary leadership
the army and people of the DPRK have been able to firmly defend the
socialist country despite unprecedentedly grim ordeals, standing in acute
confrontation with the imperialists.
    No force on earth can bar the army and people of the DPRK from making a
victorious advance on the strength of the single-hearted unity of the
leader, the party, the army and the people under the banner of the great
army-based policy and the revolutionary cause of the Korean people is always
sure to triumph, he stressed.


New book on history of anti-Japanese armed struggle published
    Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- The science and encyclopedia press
recently brought out the first two volumes of the ten-volume enlarged
edition of book "History of Anti-Japanese Armed Struggle". The book
comprehensively deals with the immortal exploits President Kim Il Sung
performed by leading the anti-Japanese armed struggle to a brilliant
    The vol. 1 deals with the president's immortal exploits performed in the
course of leading the preparations for the anti-Japanese armed struggle from
the time he took the road of revolution to the period just before the
Japanese imperialists' invasion of manchuria.
    The vol. 2 tells about his undying feats performed from the time he set
forth the strategic and tactical policy on organizing an armed struggle
right after the Japanese imperialists' invasion of Manchuria to the time he
founded the anti-Japanese people's guerrilla army and carried out all
democratic reforms in the guerrilla base on the shore of the River Tuman.


Kim Jong Il gives dinner for Russian guests
     Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il yesterday
hosted a dinner for Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary
representative of the president of the Russian Federation to the far east
federal district, and his party on a visit to the DPRK. Invited to the
dinner were Pulikovski's party, ambassador Andrei Gennadievich Karlov and
official diplomats of the Russian embassy here.
    There Pulikovski warmly congratulated Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of
the KPA, on its 70th birthday and sincerely wished him greater success in
carrying out the army-based policy.
    Kim Jong Il expressed deep thanks to Pulikovski for all conveniences he
provided with sincerity, accompanying him during the whole period of his
Russia visit last august.
    The dinner proceeded in a friendly and amicable atmosphere
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