

Rick Rozoff wrote:
> "Twelve days of surgical bombing was never going to
> turn Serbia around. Let's see what 12 weeks of less
> than surgical bombing does. Give war a chance." 
> "Every week you ravage Kosovo is another decade we
> will set your country back by pulverizing you. You
> want 1950? We can do 1950. You want 1389? We can do
> 1389 too." [Thomas Friedman, 1999] 
> NYT's Tom Friedman steals show at Arab media forum 
> By Lydia Georgi 
> Agence France-Presse 
> DUBAI — Prominent New York Times columnist Thomas
> Friedman stole the show at an Arab media forum here
> Sunday when he walked out after allegations he had
> been offered perks by the Saudi government yet
> continued to criticise Riyadh. 
> “I will not sit here and listen to that garbage. I
> came here at my expense and that's exactly how I went
> to Saudi Arabia,” he said after a member of the
> audience suggested a plane had been put at his
> disposal during a recent visit to the kingdom. 
> Friedman, who in February revealed Saudi Crown Prince
> Abdullah Ben Abdul Aziz's peace proposal, had already
> come under criticism at the forum for his perceived
> pro-Israel bias, with some picking up an admission in
> his address that as a columnist, he is “paid to have
> an opinion,” that is “to be biased.” 
> The US journalist was later persuaded to return to the
> forum, organised by the Dubai Press Club under the
> patronage of Dubai Crown Prince and United Arab
> Emirates Defence Minister Sheikh Mohammad Ben Rashed
> Al Maktoum, who on Sunday opened the two-day gathering
> attended by a host of Arab and Western journalists. 
> Arab League Secretary General Amr Musa gave a keynote
> speech followed by a debate on “How Western media
> views the Arab world and how it has changed since
> Sept. 11.” 
> French journalist-cum-diplomat Eric Rouleau, a
> household name in the Arab world, won the warmest
> applause for his “European” perspective of the bloody
> conflict in Palestine and the French media's handling
> of Sept. 11, not least when he spoke of the
> Palestinians' right to resist the Israeli occupation,
> including through armed struggle. 
> Pulitzer-winning Friedman, whose appearance was
> unscheduled, later told the audience that to suggest
> that he was “paid or bought” was to “cross a line,”
> adding that he would not have gone to Saudi Arabia
> after criticising it in the wake of the Sept. 11
> attacks or come to the UAE “if I didn't want to
> learn.” 
> He stressed that he was in favour of a two-state
> solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but
> insisted it was wrong to imply that Israeli Prime
> Minister Ariel Sharon responded to the Arab peace plan
> by launching its large-scale West Bank offensive on
> March 29 while overlooking the Palestinian suicide
> bombing coinciding with the Jewish Passover on the eve
> of the offensive. 
> Friedman rejected a suggestion that he had
> misunderstood the “plane” reference, which may have
> been meant to say that the Saudis had been
> “hospitable” to him, not that he had been “paid or
> bought.” 
> He also said during a chat with reporters it was not
> true that he had nudged the crown prince to come up
> with his peace proposal or that he had “put the words
> in his mouth,” saying Prince Abdullah had the
> blueprint and asked to be given 24 hours to think over
> his offer to put it on record.
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