
Iraq rearming for war, say defectors

Baghdad buying up east European weapons

Julian Borger
Monday April 29, 2002
The Guardian

Weapons from eastern Europe are being smuggled through Syria into Iraq, as Saddam Hussein builds up his defences in anticipation of a US-led assault, according to Iraqi officers who have recently fled to Europe.

The defectors, all members of the dissident Iraqi Officers' Movement (IOM), described an atmosphere of high tension and paranoia bordering on panic within the Baghdad regime.

While putting its forces on high alert and establishing new bunkers, it has stepped up executions of officers and civil ians suspected of disloyalty.

But the crackdown has only contributed to a downward spiral in military morale, even in the elite units that the defectors are drawn from. Poor and irregular pay, fear of bombing and concern over potential purges have rapidly pushed up the rate of desertions, despite the danger of reprisals, to the extent that well over a quarter of the 400,000-strong army are now missing from their posts.

The three defectors, who spoke to the Guardian at the weekend, left Iraq during the past six months. They served in different capacities under Qusay Hussein, the president's son who is responsible for the inner ring of the dictatorship's defences. They were accompanied by a senior IOM official, General Nawaf al-Malki, who defected in 1989.

The interviews took place in a European capital, which the officers asked not to be named, for fear of being tracked down. They provided their real names, but asked for pseudonyms to be printed in an effort to protect their families and friends.

According to their accounts, together with research done by the IOM - which works undercover inside the regime to recruit defectors and gather information from members still working for President Saddam - the first of three arms consignments bound for Iraq arrived in the Syrian port of Latakia on February 23.

"We know that two more shipments are on the way, but we don't know if they have already arrived," General al-Malki said.

The first consignment included anti-aircraft missiles, rockets and guidance systems for Iraq's long-range variants of the old Soviet Scud missile, all illegal under the UN embargo. The shipment, which cost Baghdad $800,000 (£550,000), originated from the Czech Republic under export licences for Syria and Yemen. Its unloading at Latakia was overseen by an Iraqi intelligence officer, Lt Col Khaled al-Adhani, who also oversaw its diversion from its official destination by road to Iraq. One of the recent defectors, Colonel Khaled Ayad al-Dilemi, from the 12,000-strong elite Special Republican Guard, said that one of his fellow officers had also been dispatched to Latakia to provide protection for the shipment.

The smuggling operation is just one element in Iraq's build-up, said the defectors, who were all adamant that President Saddam had stepped up his development of nuclear, chemical and biological arms since the departure of UN weapons inspectors in 1998. However, they conceded that their evidence for any such build-up was anecdotal and indirect.

According to a document provided by the defectors, the regime is attempting to develop a radar system capable of detecting US stealth aircraft. The focus of the work is being carried out at the Salahaddin Enterprise, which makes electronics near the town of al-Daur, about 130km north-west of the capital.

According to the document, the military-run enterprise claimed to have achieved a breakthrough on March 25, and had been ordered by President Saddam in person to produce 150 of the prototype radars.

The New York Times reported yesterday that the US administration was fine-tun ing plans for an air and ground assault against Iraq involving up to 250,000 troops, although it said the campaign, originally contemplated for this autumn, was likely to postponed until early next year.

According to the defectors, the Iraqi regime is already braced for an attack "at any time". In March, the nation's defences were arranged into five zones, centring on Baghdad, and the military commanders were reshuffled.

The growth in military preparations has been accompanied by a surge in brutality, marked by mass executions.

Before fleeing less than a month ago, the third defector, Mohamed Daham al-Tikriti, was a lieutenant colonel in al-Emen al-Am (general security), Iraq's secret police. Part of his unit's function was to help conceal the mass graves of the regime's victims.

Lt Col al-Tikriti, a member of the president's clan, said: "In February, between 150 and 200 civilians were killed because Saddam felt they were dangerous, but as far as I could see it was largely random. They were shot and buried in a mass grave in the desert near Saddam's palace in al-Radhwaniyah", a few kilometres west of Baghdad.

He estimated that the rate of executions had nearly doubled since last year, and that 1,500 civilians had been killed in the first two months of the year. Lt Col al-Samarrai reported a similar increase in the executions of suspect officers. He and Col al-Dilemi both escaped because they were tipped off by friends in general security.

The campaign of terror has served only to accelerate the rate of desertions. Lt Col al-Tikriti said that about 40% of the general security rank and file were missing from their posts at the time he fled.

He said senior officials were "trying to get money to turn it into dollars and euros, to get forged papers under other names so that they can run away when the moment arrives. They will all leave. Since December, they have been moving around staying in different places, on special farms, even in their cars, in fear of an attack."

Military desertions have also accelerated as fears grow of a devastating US air campaign. "I would say 15% of the army had left already. Then 10% more in the three months before I left and then probably many more in the past few weeks," Lt Col al-Samarrai said.

Col al-Dilemi said the collapse in morale also affected the once loyal special republican guard, because the intense scrutiny they are under make sudden death a constantly increasing likelihood.

"If anybody has a question mark over them, they will be taken away and the next day they shoot him," he said.

"Officers came to me and said, we'll pay you as much as you need. Just say I'm a bad officer, so they'll discharge me. He added: "Some try to break their own arms to get themselves discharged."

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