
"You create a desert and call it peace"

Caledonian chief to Romans, 79 AD.

--- Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------------------------
> [Transnational threats. Isn't that precisely what
> is in the business of promoting and perpetrating?
> When
> has any Balkans nation threatened another since the
> Balkans Wars in the early 1900s? Peace in the
> Balkans?
> Perhaps the eternal wars waging in Kosovo, Southern
> Serbia and Macedonia are being held up as examples
> of
> this Pax NATOiana? 
> The 'NATO hopefuls' are scurrying to pack their
> umemployed cannon fodder off to Central and Southern
> Asia, the Persian Gulf and the Horn of Africa in an
> unappreciated effort to ingratiate the local elites
> to
> their new colonial masters. 
> The unspeakably impoverished and disenfranchised
> peoples of Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia and Romania
> would never dream of these mad imperial designs
> unless
> goaded and deluded into them by Western-installed
> traitors who properly belong in prisons or
> psychiatric
> wards.] 
> NATO hopefuls stress Balkans peace 
> Monday, 29-Apr-2002 6:50AM    Story from AFP
> Copyright
> 2002 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)
> April 29 (AFP) - Ex-communist states including many
> hoping to be invited to join NATO later this year
> underlined Monday their commitment to securing peace
> in the region, notably in the war-scarred Balkans. 
> "We want to change the perception that peace is an
> exception in southeastern Europe," said Romanian
> foreign ministry official Mihnea Motoc at the
> meeting
> of representatives of 16 ex-communist states. "We
> want
> to convince the West that peace is possible in this
> region," he added, calling for its countries "to be
> rapidly achored [sic] into stable and democratic
> Western organizations." [For example, the
> preeminently
> 'democratic' NATO.] 
> The meeting was called to discuss "transnational
> threats" and to identify "specific policy tools and
> mechanisms .. to raise the level of domestic,
> regional
> and Euro-Atlantic stability," said an official. Four
> Balkan countries -- Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and
> Albania -- are among nine candidates hoping to be
> invited to join NATO at a landmark Alliance summit
> in
> Prague in November. 
> Albania and Macedonia, the latter still wracked by
> conflict, are not tipped for entry. But Romania's
> and
> Bulgaria's NATO hopes have been boosted since
> September 11 and the resultant geopolitical shifts,
> notably in the United States' relations in the
> region.
> Motoc was due to have talks with his Bulgarian
> counterpart Petko Draganov in the sidelines of the
> Bucharest meeting, to discuss their NATO hopes,
> officials said. 
> The meeting, co-organized by the Washington-based
> Center for Strategic and International Studies
> (CSIS),
> gathered envoys from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia,
> Bulgaria, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
> Macedonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Republika
> Srpska, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Yugoslavia.
> Representatives from NATO and European Union (EU)
> countries also attended, including participants from
> Austria, Italy, Britain, Greece, Spain, the United
> States, Portugal and Turkey. 
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