
UNITE! Info #171en: 1/2 "Rich" countries and "Israel"
[Posted: 01.05.02]

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This Info in the main repeats the text in Info #169en: '"Isra-
el", "rich" states' mad dog', of 12.04.2002.

Added here are a couple of notes, in particular one (last)
showing some websites from which you can get information on
certain themes mentioned briefly in the text.

This Info is a reproduction in English of a leaflet (4 pages
A4) in Swedish which I'm publishing here in Malmö today. The
call which, in the leaflet, appears on a red flag in the up-
per right-hand corner of p. 1, means: "Proletarians in all
countries and oppressed peoples, unite!".

I'm posting a Net version in Swedish too, as 'FÖRENA ER! Info
#171se: "Rika" länder & "Israel"'.

End of intro note

INFORMATIONSBLAD                     Proletärer i alla länder
                                         och förtryckta folk,
                                             förena er!

Published by R. Martens       No. 34               01.05.2002

About the character of the present so-called "order" in the
world, what the rulers of countries like Sweden are engaging
in towards the poorer countries and in particular about their
common strongpoint in the Middle East, the state construction
"Israel", is the article in this leaflet. It was sent in Eng-
lish via the Internet on 12.04.2002, with the title *UNITE!
Info #169en: "Israel", "rich" states' mad dog*.

         T H E   " R I C H "   C O U N T R I E S   A N D

               T H E   S T A T E   " I S R A E L "


The racist state of "Israel", which now occupies Palestine,
was created, in 1948, by a joint action of the governments of
all the "rich" states in the world, in order to function as a
military bastion of theirs, in the strategically important re-
gion of the Middle East, for the continued oppression and con-
tinued extreme exploitation of all the poorer countries.

The very "point" of that "state" from the begining on was for
it to constantly engage in aggression and terror, not only
against the vast majority of the original inhabitants of Pa-
lestine but against all other peoples in that region too. It
was intended to function as a killer instrument of the impe-
rialists', a particular scourge of theirs against the 200
million Arabic-speaking people who live in or close to the
Middle East, a mad dog to perpetrate aggressive war after ag-
gressive war.

This is what this very particular kind of state has done too,
earlier above all in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1982. And this is
what it's once more doing today, in early/mid-2002. Against
the atrocities perpetrated by it now, people are protesting

The imperialists with all their propaganda resources are con-
tinuing to say what they have said in the last 50 years and
more, that "Israel" was created in order "to offer protec-
tion for" believers in the Jewish faith from that racist per-
secution which they have been subjected to since centuries
back and still are being subjected to in many countries, and
in particular from such genocide against them as was perpetra-
ted by the Nazis during World War II.

This is another of the big lies of the imperialists. The ru-
lers of the "rich" countries in reality never were against
racist persecution, nor against genocide. On the contrary,
both of these things are an integral part of the present so-
cial "order" in the world, that of capitalism "developed into"

As was reported publicly again recently, more than 11 million
children in the world die each year due to preventable causes
- lack of food or medicines. This genocide is continuing be-
cause the people in the "rich" states, which could be sources
of aid instead of sources of exploitation and mass murder and
which will become sources of aid once imperialism is over-
thrown in the whole world, are not the masters of "their own"
countries; the capitalists and their politicians are control-
ling them, with US imperialism as their big international
gendarme today.

As for the WW II mass killing in Hitler Germany, of some 5.4
million civilian Germans, Poles, Russians, Hungarians, Czechs
etc, mainly Jews but also people of many other groups, the
"Western" governments then fighting the fascist powers knew
about this going on from 1942 on but kept silent about it to
the people up to 1945 when the truth had to come out. And they
themselves resorted to barbarous methods in this basically
just anti-fascist war, also targeting and killing millions of
civilians with militarily ineffective "area bombing"; the
fascist war criminals themselves got off with only very light

Today there are mass killings directly perpetrated by the im-
perialists going on in many parts of the world. The war of ag-
gression against the DR Congo, instigated by them to "punish"
the Congolese people for their refusal to be exploited any
more and for having started to build up a really democratic
state, continues. It has so far killed over 3 million people.
The international mass media are pretending that this imperia-
list war, the biggest of them all today, "simply does not

[p. 2:]

With sneak "green" warfare, such as the international banning
of the vital anti-malaria pesticide DDT, the destruction of
the refrigeration industries in many poor countries by means
of bans against the CFCs ("ozone hole" terror hoax), the bans
against modern energy sources for these countries (anti-
nuclear-energy campaign, "global warming" terror hoax for cur-
tailing use of chemial fuels, campaigns also against hydro-
power plant construction), and further with the "HIV/AIDS"
terror hoax and mass murder campaign (on all this, see various
earlier items in the "UNITE! [etc] Info" series and a note
last in this leaflet), the imperialists and their stooges are
killing many millions more of people each year.

And those same persons who are engaging in all this want peop-
le to believe that the reason why they created "Israel" and
still today most fanatically are supporting and defending that
state construction is, that they "want to protect the Jews
from persecution and genocide"? It's laughable - if such a
term can be used in this serious context. Racist persecution,
and genocide, that's not what US president Bush, British pre-
mier Blair or Swedish premier Göran Persson, to take just a
few examples, are against at all. On the contrary, it's the
very lifeblood of those forces in the world whom they repre-
sent. It's what these persons themselves are constantly busy
furthering, every day, every minute.


Faced with the outrages and the massive protests against them
by the people in many countries, the imperialists have been
forced to undertake some "cosmetic" actions. "Germany, long
Israel's most steadfast supporter in Europe, has suspended
arms sales to the Jewish state to protest its military action
in the West Bank, officials [in Berlin] said today", it was
reported by the Washington Post last Tuesday, 09.04. On the
same day, the foreign-policy representative of the European
Union (EU), Solana, delivered a speech to the EU Parliament in
which he, according to the text of that speech published in
advance, "would propose" a concerted EU action in the same
vein, but in which he in reality failed even to mention such
a thing - due to pressure from what direction, one can easily

The US imperialists on their part officially have "called on"
the zionist aggressors to withdraw their troops, something
which Sharon, certain of his main masters' actual continued
support anyway, has shrugged off. And they are sending their
foreign minister Powell for some more "talks". Of any inter-
vention of theirs, perhaps, against this aggression with its
continuing massive killing of civilians, destruction of houses
etc, there - of course - is no talk at all, nor of any inten-
tion of the US imperialists' to cease to provide that mad dog
of the entire imperialist bourgeoisie with all the financing
- quite officially, more than $3 billion each year, from the
USA alone - and all the arms it "needs".


The racist and inherently wildly aggressive state of "Israel"
must cease to exist as such. It must be replaced by a democra-
tic state in all of Palestine, one that represents the inte-
rests of all those people living there - whether Arabic-spea-
king or Hebrew-speaking, whether Moslems, Jews, Christians or
atheists (etc) - who will not engage in armed aggression and
oppression against others.

A solution similar, thus, to the one that was finally brought
forth in the 1990s, after a long struggle by the people, for
formerly officially racist South Africa. Apartheid South Afri-
ca was replaced by non-apartheid South Africa. This of course
did not mean that all the problems for the people there were
solved. But the change from a state which had racism as one
part of its very constitution to one that no longer has this
was an important advance.

The same goes for the transformation of the former "South Rho-
desia", long ruled by the racist Smith clique, into the majo-
rity-ruled Zimbawbe of today - one of the states, for in-
stance, which does *not* condone the ongoing imperialist ag-
gression and the crimes against humanity directed against the
Congolese people but on the contrary is *helping with military
means to defend* the DR Congo against those crimes, which it
is the duty of *all* United Nations member states to do, ac-
cording to those UN principles which all those member states,
including the "rich" ones, have underwritten.

"Israel" today remains the only state in the world whose very
principles, whose very laws, are openly racist. - With the
possible exception of certain states in southern USA, that is,
where reportedly, certain laws of a racist character still re-
main, though they have little importance in practice today.

"Israel" is a state whose very principles are openly expansio-
nist too.

On these two things, which the mass media of the "rich" states
are never informing the people about, some details under point
4 below.

A democratic state in all of Palestine, that is - or rather,
was - also the goal of the Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO), according to its programme. Unfortunately, the PLO in
the 1980s and even more in the 1990s in practice abandoned
that programme, the only just and realistic one.

Today there are instead, "replacing" the PLO as effectively
acting forces, some Islamic fundamentalist organizations
which, firstly, are striving for a so-called "Islamic state"
in Palestine, along lines already infamous elsewhere, which
obviously would not be any good solution at all, and secondly,
massively and directly targeting also civilians in their pur-
ported liberation struggle, something which an actual people's
liberation organization precisely must avoid, and thereby pre-
cisely offering the zionists some pretexts for *their* actions
of atrocity.

It's no coincidence of course that the US and other "Western"
imperialists since long precisely have furthered such ideolo-
gical currents as "Islamic fundamentalism", in order to trans-
form just struggles by the peoples into such in which none of
the sides really merits support.

What must be advocated by friends of the Palestinian people
and supporters of their liberation struggle is a return to
the original programme and original methods of struggle of
the PLO.


"Israel", first of all, is a *racist* state.

Why this is so was explained, for instance, in a pamphlet
published in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1979 by the PLO Office
there, "PLO klargör sin politik" ("The PLO explains its poli-
cies"). I'm quoting, in translation (in the Swedish-language
leaflet, directly), from its pages 21-24:

[Continued in part 2/2]


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