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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:59 PM
Subject: South African CP, SACP Statement for May Day
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              South African CP, SACP Statement for May Day
                     From: RedNet, Mon, 29 Apr 2002
               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ,

                             29 April 2002
                       SACP STATEMENT FOR MAY DAY

The South African Communist Party (SACP) salutes all poor and working
people of South Africa and the world. Our slogan Workers of the World
Unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains has never been this
relevant in the light of deepening global imperialism, and unceasing
intense attacks on the working class globally through neo-liberal
restructuring: retrenchments, casualisation, outsourcing, labour market
flexibility and privatisation of basic services.

Our own democratic breakthrough in 1994 coincided with the high-point of
imperialist, neo-liberal triumphalism. But in the space of eight years,
the international situation has seen a massive failure of this idea to
deliver on its promises. The almost total financial collapse of
Argentina, as well as the growing gap between rich and poor nations, as
well as within nations marks a singular failure of neo-liberal
prescriptions and a blow to this arrogant triumphalism.

There is a growing global movement of developing countries, the working
people and progressive elements in all parts of the globe whose voice is
starting to make an impact. We need to contribute in strengthening these
forces. For the SACP the time is ripe now to take forward this struggle
by developing a common international platform of action with other
progressive forces in the world, including common days of action around
specific issues: demonstrations against financial speculation,
privatisation of basic services and unemployment, as we have seen
Italian workers doing recently.

In the wake of September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States we
have seen the growing belligerence and arrogance of the United States.
Whilst as the SACP we continue to condemn in the strongest possible
terms the actions of 11 September, but we are also strongly opposed to
unilateral aggression by the United States outside of a common global
struggles against terrorism and a global struggle to fight poverty,
under the auspices of the United Nations.


We are also celebrating this May Day against the background of some of
the worst attacks on the Palestinian people by the military machine of
the Israeli apartheid state. What Ariel Sharon is doing against the
Palestinian people is almost tantamount to genocide and is an expression
of the fact that the Israeli aggression is by all accounts state
terrorism. The recent attacks, including the massacres in Jenin calls
for the world to condemn Sharon as a war criminal and treat him
accordingly. The United States must also be firmly held accountable for
this state terrorism as it is unconditionally support Sharon, whilst
claiming to be a mediator at the same time. The actions of the US in
this regard, including the attack on Afghanistan, support for the failed
Venezuelan coup, shows the extent to which we have an American
administration that is a threat to world peace.

As the South African Communist Party we call upon all South African
workers to join in their numbers in the current mass demonstrations
organised and led by the Alliance in solidarity with the Palestinian
people. We also call upon all South African trade unions to use all
their international platform, relations and gatherings they attend, to
firmly raise the issue of the Palestinian people and call for pressure
on the Israeli apartheid state and the United States. The people of
Palestine must be free, and our own freedom will be incomplete for as
long as the Palestinian people are not free.

Cuba, the DRC and Swaziland

It is also important to use this May Day to express our continuing
solidarity with the Cuban people and call for the lifting of the US
blockade against Cuba. As the SACP we also welcome progress being made
towards peace on our continent, particularly the signing of a peace
agreement in Angola, as well as progress being made in the DRC. With
regards to the DRC we call upon President Kabila to work earnestly
towards an all-inclusive peace agreement, rather than a fragmented peace
deal with sections of the Congolese people. This will not bring about a
lasting settlement.

On this international day of the working people we also call upon the
Swazi monarchy to release Mario Masuku, the President of Pudemo, and
genuinely embark on a path of democratization in that country. South
African working class must never rest until Swaziland becomes a
democracy and we must continue to deepen our solidarity with the
democratic forces in Swaziland. We also dare not forget that colonialism
has not been entirely removed in our continent for as long as the
Western Sahara people do not have their own independent state.

Important recent national developments


The SACP fully welcomes the recent cabinet statement on HIV/AIDS. This
statement underlined a comprehensive approach to the HIV/AIDS pandemic,
including prevention, awareness, education, treatment and care. This
statement provides a basis for all of us as a country to now work
together in confronting this pandemic instead of tearing each other
apart. The working class needs to take a lead in this regard and ensure
that we lead and unite the mass of our people behind this programme.

In addition we need to intensify our struggle for cheaper medicines and
drugs all round, in order to ensure that the health of our people is not
held at ransom by capitalist patent rights. We need to intensify the
struggle for the right to produce generic drugs in order to be able to
deal with the many diseases afflicting poor countries, most of which
have been wiped out from the rest of the world.

We are also meeting at the end of the ANC focus month on health. It is
very clearly that despite progress in building of clinics and free
health care for certain categories of our people, the public health
system in our country are still in crisis. We need to focus our
attention on building a strong and efficient public health system. In
particular workers should make sure that they serve in hospital boards
as part of this effort to build a strong public health system.

The moral regeneration movement

Our government, led by the Deputy President Jacob Zuma, launched the
moral regeneration movement. As the SACP we believe that this is a very
important initiatives. Much as this movement must involve all sections
of our society, including the religious community, the question of moral
renewal in our country is not merely a religious or faith issue. It is a
struggle to rebuild the moral fibre of our society.

We should seek to promote values of solidarity, collectivity, sharing
and care. We must fight against greed, individualism and competition. A
struggle for moral renewal in our country is simultaneously a struggle
against poverty, and the root cause of poverty is capitalism and

The working class must link this struggle to the struggles against all
forms of inequality in our society. We must lead in fighting gender
inequality, and that there can be no moral renewal unless our women are
fully emancipated. We need to fight against corruption, and against
women and child abuse.

Rise in food prices and poverty eradication

The recent and continuing rise in food prices erodes workers' earnings
and threatening to worsen the poverty situation in our country. The bulk
of rural South Africa is sustained by urban remittances from workers'

It is for this reason that the SACP calls for serious consideration to
be given to zero-rating of some of the basic foodstuffs as a cushion
against the worst forms of poverty.

The question of food prices and rise in poverty should also be related
to the question of a comprehensive social security programme. We welcome
the fact that the Minister of Social Development, Cde. Zola Skweyiya,
has commissioned a study to look into this issue. We await the outcome
eagerly, as the question of comprehensive social security for our people
is of utmost importance. From our experiences during the Chris Hani
Memorial Health Trail of 10 April 2002, it is also clear that we need a
national health insurance scheme to ensure that our people have access
to health care. According to figures available to us only 7 million
South Africans are on medical aid schemes.

The SACP also calls upon South African workers, particularly from the
organized sections of the working class, to use their organizational
experience to build co-operatives and a co-operative movement as an
important instrument in poverty alleviation and promoting alternative
forms of economic ownership. A lot of government funds for poverty
alleviation are still not spent. Building co-ops can go a long way in
ensuring that these funds are spent for their intended purposes poverty

An immediate campaign that we also need to take up urgently is that
outlined in the President's state-of-the-nation address. We need to
embark on a campaign to ensure that all those who qualify for state
social grants are registered so that they could access these. If need be
let us embark on a huge door-to-door campaign to achieve this
objective.  It is a reality that a number of pensioners, the disabled,
orphans, etc, who are supposed to be registered and receiving these
grants are not registered. This is an important campaign that the trade
union movement in particular should throw its full weight behind.

The Alliance Summit

The importance of the recent alliance summit lies in the fact that for
the first time after a long time the alliance committed itself to a
joint discussion with the aim on reaching consensus on a growth and
development strategy for our country. This will lay the basis for a
growth and development summit to be convened later in the year.

In addition this Summit agreed on a number of key areas that we need to
tackle collectively and seek to find consensus. These included
strategies to promote and mobilize domestic investment, tackling
unemployment, building co-operatives, and improving the overall
efficiency in the economy generally. These have created a better climate
within which we can tackle our differences within a forward looking and
consensus driven approach.

The ANC-led Alliance has consolidated critical elements of democracy and
it enjoys mass support among the majority of South Africans. This period
is characterised, too, by a creative examination across most sectors of
society of the challenge to pool the country's resources, both public
and private, in the effort to grow our economy at a faster pace and
further improve the material conditions of the country's citizens. The
possibility of decisive movement forward is also reflected in the fact
that South Africans are increasingly joining hands to affirm our
democratic constitutional order and to find ways in which they can make
a contribution to national reconstruction and development.

The financial sector campaign and summit

We are pleased to say that the Financial Sector Summit will be held at
the end of this month (31 May). Negotiations have already started at
NEDLAC. We think this is an important development in our banks+IBk-
campaign. However our campaign does not end or depend on NEDLAC. We will
have to continue to mobilize our people to ensure that we take this
campaign forward. The SACP wishes to use this May Day to condemn the
delaying tactics of business at NEDLAC negotiations, it is imperative
that the Financial Sector in our country is transformed without any
delay. If needs be the SACP will not hesitate to increase pressure on
this sector by flexing the muscle of the people.

The SACP however wishes to use this occasion to call upon the trade
union movement as a whole in our country to start a mass campaign to
demand a say over where and how workers+IBk- pension and provident funds
are invested in this country. It is our considered opinion that these
funds, both in the public and private sectors, are still invested
without the say of the workers and controlled by institutions that
workers have no control over. This must change and come to an end. This
mass campaign will further inject urgency on the need for the
transformation of the financial sector, including the banks and
insurance industry, to begin to serve the developmental needs of our

Keep the working class mobilised

The most important message is that keep the working class mobilised. The
working class must continue to mobilise around issues closer to the
working people and the poor. At no stage should workers and the working
class as a whole be demobilised. The only condition to take forward our
struggle for socialism is through a mobilised working class, conscious
of its responsibility that without its leadership of society, society
can only degenerate into capitalist barbarism and the defeat of our

Mazibuko Kanyiso Jara (surname Jara)
Department of Media, Information and Publicity - South African Communist
Tel - 011 339 3621 -  Fax - 011 339 4244 Cell - 083 651 0271



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