
US ruling class solidly pro-Israel
Russian plane down: itchy fingers jittery nerves

AP. 2 May 2002. Congress Moves Toward Israel Support.

WASHINGTON -- Congress clasped Israel in a supportive embrace on
Thursday as the House and Senate moved toward separate declarations in
favor of the Jewish state and a military campaign aimed at "dismantling
the terrorist infrastructure" in Palestinian territory.

"Israel has been under siege ... from a systematic and deliberate
campaign of suicide and homicide attacks by terrorists," said Sen.
Joseph Lieberman, a leading supporter of the measure in the Senate.
"Their essence is identical to the attacks on our country of Sept. 11,"
said Lieberman, D-Conn.

The rhetoric was similar in the House, where the GOP leadership sent a
more strongly worded measure to the floor for a vote. Unlike the Senate
bill, it mentioned Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat by name, accusing
him of an "ongoing support of terror" in the wave of suicide bombings
against Israelis this spring.

"There is no cycle of violence in Israel, anymore than there is a cycle
of violence as we respond to terrorists that attacked the United
States," said Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., the deputy GOP whip.

"There is a response to terrorism -- the kind of response that is so
clearly in line with the response that we had to that cowardly attack on
our country."

The House acted on a stand-alone bill advanced by Reps. Tom DeLay, of
Texas, the House GOP whip, and Tom Lantos, D-Calif. Lieberman and Sen.
Gordon Smith, R-Ore., offered their proposal as an amendment to trade

Both said the United States and Israel are "now engaged in a common
struggle against terrorism."

Lawmakers, eager to show solidarity with Israel, have long chafed at the
silence the Bush administration asked of Congress at a time when
American diplomats worked to stave off a wider outbreak of violence in
the Middle East.

The House bill stated that Israel's recent military operations were "an
effort to defend itself against the unspeakable horrors of ongoing
terrorism and were aimed only at dismantling the terrorist
infrastructure in the Palestinian areas, an obligation Arafat himself
undertook but failed to carry out."

A steady stream of lawmakers spoke in favor of the bills in debates that
unfolded simultaneously in the chambers at opposite end of the Capitol.

The resolution calls upon all parties to work toward peace, said Smith.

"But it does say it without equivocation, we stand with Israel on the
front line in the war against terrorism," he said.

The United States would do no less than Israel has done, he said, "if
terrorists came into our country, into our shopping malls, into our
schools and murdered our children."

"Israel has not asked for this war any more than we asked for ours
against al-Qaida and the Taliban," Lantos told the House.

"But when democracies come under terrorist attack, it is morally
incumbent upon us, as the world's leading democracy, to express our
solidarity. That is what this resolution does."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller
Last train to Nuremberg


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