
Brown & Root to begin making improvements to
Uzbekistan base

By Rick Scavetta, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Thursday, May 2, 2002

STRONGHOLD FREEDOM, Uzbekistan — Brown & Root, the
civilian contractor known for building elaborate U.S.
military base camps, will begin making improvements to
this logistical air base — a possible sign the U.S.
military plans to stay in southern Uzbekistan.

Contract employees will head into Uzbekistan soon,
said Lt. Col. Bonnie Hebert, a spokeswoman for the
Coalition Forces Land Component Command here. "They’re
looking at a follow-on for Afghanistan," she said.

Several weeks ago, Brown & Root scouts traveled to
Central Asia to check out U.S. bases, including the
10th Mountain Division headquarters at Bagram,
Afghanistan. The company is still assessing whether
supporting U.S. troops in Bagram and Khandahar is
feasible, according to a report from the land
component command’s logistics personnel division.

Brown & Root officials at the company’s headquarters
in Houston were unable to confirm the report

For the Uzbekistan base, Brown & Root has signed a
one-year contract, with an option to renew for up to
five years, the report said.

By mid-June, the contractor is expected to take over
much of the responsibilities currently handled by the
507th Corps Support Group (Airborne), an Army unit
tasked to provide rear area combat service support.

Brown & Root will take charge of base camp
maintenance, airfield services and fuel supplies. For
troops’ welfare, the company will run the dining halls
and laundry service, and will oversee the Morale,
Welfare and Recreation program.

Meanwhile, conditions in Bagram are not likely to
improve for troops in the near future because of
several logistical hurdles not easily overcome, said
Lt. Gen. Paul T. Mikolashek, CFLCC’s top officer.

"It’s Spartan, it’s austere," said Mikolashek,
describing conditions at Bagram. "That will be the
philosophy for a while."

Troops use plastic piping stuck in the ground as
toilets and still eat tinned rations. Fresh salad and
sodas only appear when congressmen or other senior
leaders arrive for a visit with the troops.

The soldiers themselves, using scrounged wood and
supplies, make most of the improvements to living
conditions — building flooring and patios around their

In Uzbekistan, where living conditions are already
significantly better than in Afghanistan, the military
can rely on locally contracted workers to support base
improvements, Mikolashek said.

Around Bagram, hundreds of Afghans are ready to work
but few local companies could reliably support a
logistical contract. Any contractor would rely almost
entirely on the short airstrip, already jammed with
military flights for their supplies.

When U.S. forces arrived at the former-Soviet air base
at Bagram in October, about 600 troops occupied
abandoned hangars and propped-up tent cities in
Bagram, according to Lt. Col Scott F. "Rock" Donahue,
a 10th Mountain Division engineer.

By March 6, the camp held about 4,000 soldiers, many
of whom left shortly to join infantry fighting the
Taliban during Operation Anaconda near Gardez.

After Anaconda wrapped up at the end of March, most of
the 10th Mountain infantry left for Fort Drum, N.Y.,
leaving vast tent cities mostly empty. British Marines
arrived, but built their own base camp nearby.

A new command, made from elements of the 18th Airborne
Corps, currently based at Fort Bragg, N.C., is
scheduled to take over Bagram in July, sources said.
Still, U.S. military officials tow a politically
motivated party line, that U.S. troops will be leaving
Afghanistan once al-Qaida is entirely routed.

"We want to keep a small footprint," said Maj. Brian
Hilferty, a base spokesman at Bagram. "There’s no plan
to make this a permanent base."

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