

it's known these calculations were done IN THE '70'S.

>From the point of view of the US. elite and
Corporations there would be insufficient natural
resources to sustain US. demand and the profit needs
of the Corporations.

Hence the present activity.
The is even a Resource Denial Theory - you must take
control of the areas where strategic resources are and
deny others the ability to enter.

Oil, copper, lead, there's a long list of what will
run out fairly quickly.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ---------------------------
> "The team then calculated what would be needed
> sustainably to meet human demand for these various
> activities. They wrote: "Our accounts indicate that
> human demand may well have exceeded the biosphere's
> regenerative capacity since the Eighties."
> -Daily Telegraph
> June 25, 2002 :Fears over natural resources
> shortfall 
> By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
> __________________________________________________
> Capitalism  produces human wants, but it does not
> answer human needs. To the 
> capitalists there is a  "natural resources
> shortfall." But it is merely 
> because of the wastrel mentality of the capitalists
> that this is so. Public 
> transportation, renewable energy like solar, wind,
> or wave energy, recyling 
> and ending  the flagrant overproduction of goods
> that are not at all 
> necessary for people will immediatetly rectiify this
> false "scarcity" scare.
> Economists who repeat the capitalist mantras and
> promulgate capitalist dogma 
> claim that the basis of the economic system is
> scarcity. But what is scarcity 
> but a reliance on a ridiculous staus quo that
> focuses on profits and 
> production of increasing numbers of useless
> commodities.
> In the United States, which uses 40% of the world's
> resources, and in the 
> other industrial capitalist countries, people have
> been programmed to buy 
> billions of useless objects. They work to spend;
> they do not work to live. 
> People's culture, their enjoyment of nature or
> creativity or reading or a 
> myriad of free activities has been manipulated so
> that even walking has been 
> commoditized. There are special shoes, clothing,,
> magazines, treadmills.  
> Life has degenerated into acquisition of goods and
> watching television which 
> tells you life is about the acquisition of goods.
> Endless mindlessness. .  .
> Meanwhile billions are unemployed or working as
> sweated labor so that this 
> lonely,  pointless and irrational system  can
> continue. People starve while 
> others spend money to diet.
> We could all be healthier and eat less meat, which
> would save tons of grain.  
> The multinationals have bought up farmland to grow
> roses and special coffee 
> beans and gourmet fruits, where people once grew
> food for their villages. Get 
> rid of the multinationals amd the World Bank and the
> IMF and the people could 
> grow food on the land.
> Marx spoke of the cash nexus, and this world now
> spins upon it. The 
> emiseration of the people of the Third World and
> Eastern Europe is now joined 
> by the growing poverty in the industrialized
> imperialist nations.  There are 
> plenty of natural resources, enough for all, and the
> Malthusians who wrote 
> this piece have in their minds that this rapacious,
> destructive sytem must  
> go on forever.
> They  they fear it has its limits. And it does.
> The imperialists are in a race with time. And so are
> the communists. The 
> awareness of the workers and peasants of the world
> is rising as the 
> inevitablity of the failure of capitalism is dawning
> upon us all. The US and 
> the imperialist nations are rapidly militarizing,
> ready to face the righteous 
> anger of the people of the world who understand this
> system. 
> The regenerative powers of the earth are stressed
> most of all by the use of 
> fossil fuels. Global warming is actually killing the
> planet. The wars  in the 
> Middle East, Colombia, Africa and NATO expansion
> into Eastern Europe and 
> South Asia, as well as imperial threats in Venezuela
> and other oil producing 
> nations are all about s fossil fuels, most
> importantly oil and natural gas. 
> But these fuels are not necessary to the planet. No
> one needs an SUV. We 
> don't even need to own cars. We can rent them as
> needed and create great 
> systems of public transportation. Heat and light and
> power can in part be 
> created by renewable energy sources. The sun shines
> for free. The waves roll 
> for free. The air blows free.  
> As for all the clothes and toys and gadgets: we can
> learn to live without 
> buying them to feed that insatiable appetite for
> things That  appetite has 
> been created, manipulated and propaganzied into an
> obsession by the 
> capitalists. That appetite  is a substitute for the
> human drive to live  good 
> and creative lives.
> Those pundits who fear a shortfall of the earth's
> natural resources are 
> terrified that this obsession for things could
> disappear as people realize 
> the danger and absurdity of this capitalist system. 
> "Let the ruling classes tremble." 
> "Tis the final conflict." 
> ---------------------------

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