


18, Madan Boral Lane,Calcutta, 700 012


Concern for safety of Human Rights Activist

Dear friends,
At about 1 AM on Monday, June 24, a large contingent of armed police and paramilitary 
forces raided the house of Prof. Arup Dasgupta, vice-president of APDR Midnapore 
branch and head of the department of English, Kharagpur College, in Midnapore town.
They could not show any warrant when Dasgupta demanded and forcibly searched his 
house, claiming that his telephone number had been found in the diary of a CPI(ML) 
People's War activist. Dasgupta argued that he was well known as a human rights worker 
and it was not unusual for any political activist to have his phone number. The 
police, however, refused to listen and reprimanded him for keeping a large amount of 
"Marxist literature" in his residence. All these were classical Marxist books and 
pamphlets and legal publications of various organisations ranging from the CPI(ML) to 
the SUCI.
The police confiscated a few of these and gave a seizure list: 1. A copy of the 
magazine Biplabi Yug, Vol. II, No. 10, October 2001; 2. A copy of the book Shahid 
Smarane -- Glimpses of the Lives of the Martyrs of Naxalbari; 3. Eleven issues of a 
literary magazine, Sanghat, published by Dasgupta; and 4. A copy of the book From Marx 
to Mao Tse-Tung, by George Thomson. A case number ( Goaltore PS Case No. 62/01) was 
written on top of the seizure list.
The officer-in-charge of Goaltore police station, West Midnapore, who was in the team, 
told Dasgupta to come to his police station on Tuesday to face an "interrogation by 
the superintendent of police".
Only a few hours earlier, around 4:30 PM on June 23, Dasgupta had visited the Goaltore 
police station as a member of an APDR fact-finding team probing the complaint of a 
fake encounter in the area, in which an alleged member of the CPI(ML) People's War was 
killed. The team also toured other parts of the district from where many complaints of 
human rights abuses were received.
The APDR strongly believes that the police raid was an effort by the state agencies to 
terrorise human rights activists. They wanted to make an example out of Arup Dasgupta. 
Your are aware that a number of APDR activists are already implicated in false cases 
and have even faced violent police attacks in various districts.
Please voice your concern immediately to West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb 
Bhattacharjee (Fax: 91 33 214 5480) and circulate this message among all concerned.
In solidarity,
Tapas Chakraborty
General secretary



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