
>To:             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date:   Mon, 01 Jul 2002 06:13:34 +0300
>Subject:        9-11. U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows
>                 U.S. Helped Plan Attacks
>From: Macdonald Stainsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [R-G] U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows U.S. Helped Plan
>U. of Ottawa Professor Says Evidence Shows U.S. Helped Plan Attacks
>Ruppert Kicked Out of Canada -- But He Was Leaving Anyway
>June 27, 2002, 16:00 PDT (FTW) -- An estimated crowd of 1,200 turned out on
>25 at the University of Calgary's MacEwan Hall to hear FTW Publisher
>Mike Ruppert and University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky present
>evidence of and a rationale for U.S. government complicity in last
>September's terrorist attacks. (See photos at
>Their two-and-a- half-hour presentation, including documentary evidence,
>was greeted with a standing ovation.
>In a question and answer session after the lecture, not one audience member
>questioned that the Bush Administration needed the attacks in order to
>mobilize public support for a war to control Central Asian oil reserves and
>the cash from the Afghani opium trade. Traditionally, Afghanistan has been
>the world's largest producer of opium.
>The G6B -- standing for a global population of six billion people whose
>interests need to be balanced against the corporate interests of the
>industrialized world -- was a three-day event sponsored by, among others,
>the government of Canada, Amnesty International and the University of
>Calgary. It brought delegates and activists together from 60 countries. The
>counter summit was timed and located in Calgary, Alberta so as to juxtapose
>it with the G8 meeting in nearby Kananaskis of the world's eight largest
>industrialized nations starting on June 26.
>The first-ever joint presentation involving Ruppert and Chossudovsky, an
>economics professor, presented the strongest evidence to date that not only
>did the Bush Administration have complete foreknowledge of the attacks and
>allow them to happen, but also that the CIA had a direct hand in financing
>the attacks. Chossudovsky presented documentary evidence from ABC news,
>citing FBI sources, confirming a report that Gen. Mahmud Ahmad, then-chief
>of the Pakistani intelligence service (ISI), ordered for $100,000 to be
>wired to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta just weeks before the attacks. The new
>corroboration from U.S. media, using FBI sources, gave considerable weight
>to earlier press stories originating in India linking the ISI to 9/11.
>[These new revelations will be the subject of an upcoming story in FTW].
>"General Ahmad arrived in Washington on Sept. 4 and met with, among others,
>his good friend [CIA Director] George Tenet, [Deputy Secretary of State]
>Richard Armitage, [Sen.] Joe Biden, [D-Del.,] and the heads of the two
>intelligence committees," Chossudovsky said.
>"To me the issue of foreknowledge is a red herring. Osama bin Laden is and
>remains to this day a CIA asset. Even now his Al Qaeda operatives are
>working with the Kosovo Liberation Army who are U.S. allies and with
>U.S.-backed forces in Macedonia. Members of Al Q'aeda have been protected
>as they moved into Kashmir where they are now fomenting conflict between
>India and Pakistan.
>"The evidence is becoming clearer every day that the U.S. government helped
>to plan and fund the Sept. 11 attacks," said Chossudovsky.
>In addition, Chossudovsky has uncovered what may be complicity on the part
>of the major media in hiding the smoking gun. Using transcripts from the
>Federal Records Service (FRS), Chossudovsky obtained the transcript of a
>question posed to National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rica at a May 16
>press conference, in which she was asked if she had met with the "ISI
>chief" while he was in Washington. The CNN transcript of the event
>indicated that the words "ISI chief" were "inaudible" when, in fact, they
>were quite audible to the FRS. Rice's response was a troubled, "I have not
>seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting with me."
>Chossudovsky painted a broad picture of globalization pushing events toward
>a possible nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan by noting that one
>U.S. company with strong intelligence and military connections, MPRI of
>Vienna, Va., was acting as adviser to both governments. He also noted the
>strong links between CIA Director George Tenet and Deputy Secretary of
>State Armitage to the leaders of both countries. Chossudovsky also pointed
>out that George W. Bush receives daily "personal" intelligence briefings
>from the CIA Director -- a custom that has never previously been followed
>by any sitting president. Previously most CIA briefings have been delivered
>in written format.
>Ruppert, using new evidence of U.S. government foreknowledge disclosed by
>major media sources and through recent press conferences, established that
>by using only open source material, the U.S. government had warnings that
>multiple airliners, most likely from United and American Air Lines would be
>hijacked during the week of Sept. 9 and crashed into the twin towers. Using
>revelations of intelligence intercepts and a Pentagon drill responding to
>an attack from a hijacked airliner staged prior to Sept. 11, Ruppert
>established that the Bush Administration's position, which held it had no
>hint that aircraft would be used as weapons, was false. Pointing to last
>year's G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, Ruppert noted that extensive precautions
>had been taken there (including anti-aircraft guns) to prevent just such an
>A Los Angeles Times story disclosed
>that President Bush was the target of the suspected attacks in Genoa.
>"Bush ought to be having some interesting conversations with the leaders of
>Italy, Germany, France and Russia since it was their intelligence services
>who forwarded detailed advance warnings to the CIA throughout the summer of
>2001," said Ruppert. "And they referred specifically to suicide attacks
>with airliners."
>Ruppert also debunked the notions that the 9-11 attacks were caused by a
>lack of cooperation between agencies, and that great numbers of people
>would have had to be involved in the U.S. end of the operation. Citing a
>BBC TV report by Gregg Palast which showed an FBI report stating that the
>Bush administration had ordered the FBI to curtail investigations into bin
>Laden relatives, Ruppert demonstrated that orders were coming from levels
>above FBI and CIA leadership. Additionally, referring to the recent
>from FBI Special Agent Colleen Rowley and a press onference
>given by FBI Special Agent Robert Wright, Ruppert popped the government's
>position that somehow the so-called intelligence "failures" of 9-11 were
>the result of negligence.
>"If you look at the text of Rowley's message and listen to what Wright said
>at his press conference you hear and see words like, 'obstruct,' '
>deliberately thwart,' 'intimidate,' 'block,' 'harass,' 'dishonest,'
>'rewrite,' 'omit,' 'undermine,' 'suppress,' 'punish,' 'retaliate' and
>prevent.' These are not words describing negligence. These are words
>describing deliberate and willful actions.
>"And if you note from both the Rowley memo, and apparently from the right
>press conference, it was only one supervisory special agent at FBI
>headquarters who did all of the deliberate work to stop investigations that
>could have prevented the attacks. And what did Rowley tell us? Right after
>Sept. 11 the agent who had blocked the investigations was promoted!"
>The $64,000 question remains unanswered: Was the agent in Rowley's case
>also involved in blocking Wright's Chicago-based investigations into
>money-laundering for terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda? In any event,
>the Rowley memorandum proves that just a few officials in key positions
>could have carried out the 9-11 conspiracy successfully.
>On entering Canada Ruppert was questioned first by Canadian Customs
>officials and then by immigration officers. Upon learning that Ruppert was
>a journalist and publisher of FTW the immigration officer typed Ruppert's
>name into a computer and asked specifically if he was going near the G8
>conference. Ruppert stated that he was only planning on attending the G6B
>conference and had plans to return to Los Angeles on June 25. Nonetheless,
>the immigration officer stamped Ruppert's passport with a visa dated to
>expire on June 26, requiring that he not be in the country when the
>conference began. This highly unusual practice was offensive to many
>Canadians who pointed out that there are no visa requirements between the
>two countries.
>After the lecture, as he was hurrying to the airport, Ruppert was
>questioned by the local press who photographed his passport as evidence of
>the Canadian government's desire to censor coverage and public access to
>the conference.
>Ruppert's departure coincided with the arrival of President George Bush and
>two identical 747 aircraft painted with Air Force One markings. He was able
>to photograph the arrival of the president and a heavy deployment of
>support and security aircraft. Ruppert's flight home was delayed by more
>than an hour. He returned safely to Los Angeles while his suitcase was
>forced to spend the night in San Francisco. The Calgary lecture was
>Ruppert's eighth stop in a month in his "Truth and Lies of 9-11" lecture
>series. He plans to spend the next six weeks working on new stories.
>"Amongst the fascistic layers that dominate within Likud, any prospect not
>founded on a campaign to annihilate immediately the Palestinians is
>tantamount to treachery."
>      -"What the Likud vote reveals about Israel's real intentions" By Chris
>Marsden 18 May 2002
>Macdonald Stainsby
>In the contradiction lies the hope.
>                                      --Bertholt Brecht
>P.O. Box 66
>00841 Helsinki
>Phone +358-40-7177941
>Fax +358-9-7591081


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