

Very right you are!

That MCP-ism (Male Chauvinist Pig-ism) still
remains an important and very bad factor.

Many of us (M-s) have had to learn about that and
(hopefully) improve, over the years.

One other thing in this context: Both men and women
can understand these things better, I think, if they
get to know about the historical background to that
present-day male "dominance", which is such a bad
thing for people of both sexes and which absolutely
must be overcome.

Two important books:

1) Friedrich Engels: The Origins of the Family,
Private Property and the State (1884)

Can be found at:

2) A very important further development of that above,
demonstrating some errors in it, among other things:

Evelyn Reed: Woman's Evolution, from Matriarchal
Clan to Patriarchal Family

Copyright 1975 by Pathfinder Press, New York, USA

Do you know about that last one, Heather? And if so,
could you tell me where to get a copy in English?
I have one in Swedish, but it would be of interest to
put some excerpts of the English text out on the Net.

These things about very early history are one of the
*very* big secrets today which the bourgeois reactionaries
absolutely *don't* want people to know about. Important
stuff, for a lot of reasons.

(Some other time I shall continue to scold you, Heather,
for your really impossibly reactionary ideas in another
field, the "green" one. You know what I mean, don't you?
But on this MCP stuff, you and I could be allies, I think!)

Rolf M.
Malmö, Seden

At 20:05 2002-07-03 -0400, you <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Dear STOPNATO men:
>Of late I see references in the (subject posting box) to someone's "bitch" 
>and now this. These are sexist terms, my brothers, and you need to find 
>some other epithets and metaphors with which to excoriate the enemies of 
>the people. Surely there are more vilifying terms you can find that do not 
>smack of sexism and the degradation of women!
>In sisterly solidarity,


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