
Iraq is ready for the fight, says defiant Saddam
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 18/07/2002)

Saddam Hussein dismissed American plans to topple him yesterday, declaring
that his regime could never be defeated and denouncing his Iraqi opponents
as the greedy stooges of foreign "tyrants".

Delivering a defiant, rhetoric-filled speech on the anniversary of the coup
that brought the ruling Ba'ath party to power in Iraq in 1968, he said: "The
wind will blow away foreign rattling as the noise of an evil covetous
tyrant, the enemy of Allah".

Saddam's 40-minute televised tirade, laden with references to Islamic
history, came in response to increased moves by America and Britain to
overthrow him. Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary, spent a
second day in Ankara yesterday discussing what Turkey's role would be in any
campaign to unseat Saddam.

On Tuesday, Tony Blair said the world would have to "deal with" the threat
posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But in comments to chairmen of
Commons select committees, the Prime Minister insisted that there was still
an "open question" over how to proceed.

In his speech, Saddam said his regime was ready to defend itself, "armed
with its sword, bow, and spear, carrying its shield or gun and cannon,
mounting its tank, or poised in its battle-trench which may, through caution
and alertness, save life from schemes, conspiracies, and perfidy, and
protect all our dear, dear, dear men".

He added: "Temmuz [the July revolution] returns to say to all evil tyrants
and oppressors of the world, 'You will never defeat me this time. Never!
Even if you come together from all over the world, and invite all the devils
as well, to stand by you, support or incite you'."

The prospect of a US military offensive has been raised further after talks
between Iraq and the United Nations over the resumption of weapons
inspections broke down this month. At the weekend, a group of about 70
exiled Iraqi military officers met in London to plan ways to foment revolt
within the Iraqi armed forces.

More than a decade after Iraqi troops were forced out of Kuwait, Saddam's
forces are today even less able to resist a US-led military campaign. He is
relying on divisions in the West and the strong anti-US mood in the Arab and
Muslim world to frustrate the plans. He has tried to reconcile with Arab
neighbours, particularly Saudi Arabia, in the hope that they will resist US
attempts to mount operations from their territory.

Saddam has tried to fuel the Palestinian uprising with generous payments to
the families of "martyrs", in the belief that the crisis in Israel and the
occupied territories makes it more difficult for America to find Arab

In his speech yesterday, Saddam described foreign-based opposition groups as
lackeys unfit to lead Iraq, while comparing his own regime as halal,
permitted by God. He declared: "Anything gained freely, as charity, or from
a foreign source, will yield nothing but vice, and weakness before the
arrogance charity and greed of the foreign source.

"He who builds his country with his own hands will be able to defend himself
and his country with his own means."


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