
Manchester Muslim killed in Chechen war
'Teacher' who joined jihad and rose through rebel ranks dies in ambush by
Russian special forces

Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Thursday July 18, 2002
The Guardian

A man who claimed to be a former PE teacher from Manchester has been killed
fighting in southern Chechnya, in an ambush by Russian special forces,
according to a Chechen separatist website. reported that Amir Assadullah died when Russian forces attacked
the group of rebels he was leading in Vedeno region at the weekend.

Assadullah, a young man of African descent with a thick Mancunian accent,
was the focus of a video apparently aimed at recruiting new fighters from
sympathetic countries. It was released by the Russian government last year
as evidence that foreign mercenaries were acting as "international
terrorists" in Chechnya.

British officials said last night that they have had no success in proving
Assadullah's nationality, despite "lengthy efforts".

Nor have community leaders in Manchester been able to confirm Assadullah's
British past.

The officials added that at the time of the video's release they were
sceptical of Russian claims that several dozen Britons had been recruited by
to fight in Chechnya by an organisation in London called al-Muhajiroun.

The video showed Assadullah holding a Kalashnikov and sitting cross-legged
in the Chechen undergrowth, pleading with fellow British Muslims to join the
jihad against Russian forces in Chechnya.

"You tell your family that you might not come back," he said during the
15-minute rant in which he spoke of leaving his family in Manchester to join
the war.

"You come here and you burn your bridges."

On Tuesday the Chechen website said: "Amir Assadullah has become a shakhid
[a martyr].

"He was an ethnic African and a British citizen who came to Chechnya in 1996
as a volunteer. He was the only ethnic African in the Chechen army."

It added that several other fighters in his group were killed in the
confrontation with Russians. The rest fled to the mountains.

The news came as the Russian defence minister, SergeiIvanov, told reporters
in Oslo that Russia would cut back the "excess" of its troop presence in
Chechnya by the end of the year.

"The workload on the armed forces in Chechnya continues to decrease and is
being increasingly shifted on to special and police units," he said.

But Russian forces in the region continue to suffer heavy casualties: three
died in an attack on Tuesday.

Russian officials refused to confirm that Assadullah was killed. "We have no
reliable facts proving this rebel leader's death," a military source said.

The Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that Assadullah had been fighting
for several years under the Jordanian born guerrilla leader Khattab, whom
the Russian security service, the FSB, claimed to have assassinated earlier
this year with a poisoned letter.

According to the Chechen website, Assadullah became a Muslim in the mid-90s
and went to Chechnya in 1996, rising quickly through the rebel ranks to
become a field commander.

The video showed him enjoying the violent, rugged life of a rebel in the
Chechen mountains. In recent months Assadullah's group has stationed in the
south, near the regions of Vedeno and Nozhai-Yurt, where much of the recent
heavy fighting has been.

Assadullah's involvement in Chechnya was revealed by Russian officials in
February after a number of videotapes were seized in Chechnya which detailed
the rebels' activities.

FSB officers believe the tapes were made to assure European fundraisers for
the jihad that their money was well spent.

Copies of the tape featuring Assadullah were given to the British
authorities, and the Observer, by Sergei Yastrzhembsky, President Putin's
spokesman on Chechnya.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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