
Iraq urges UN to lift sanctions
Xinhuanet 2002-07-19 02:57:45

  LAGOS, July 18 (Xinhuanet) -- The Iraqi government has called on the
United Nations to lift the sanctions imposed on the Arab country, the News
Agency of Nigeria reported Thursday.

  The agency quoted Iraqi ambassador to Nigeria Sabah Omran as saying that
it is unjust to retain the sanctions after Iraq has met the conditions the
UN demands.

  The UN imposed sanctions on Iraq in 1990 after the Iraqi troopsinvaded
its tiny neighbor Kuwait.

  Omran said the sanctions have led to the death of millions of Iraqis,
especially children, and the destruction of Iraq's infrastructure.

  The overall economic sanctions have created enormous damage in all
social spheres of life in Iraq, resulting in a "blatant violation of the
most basic human rights of the people, the right of life, to health and good
living condition," he said.

  The Iraqi ambassador also criticized the imposition of "no-fly-zone" by
the United States and Britain, saying that action is not backed any UN

  The aim of the continuation of the economic sanctions and the imposition
of the "no-fly-zone" and the continuous military bombardment of Iraq is to
disintegrate Iraq's social infrastructure and partition it, he said.

  "Iraq is therefore looking forward to seeing or hearing from its friends
and hoping that they would intervene with a view to convincing the
governments of the US and Britain to see the need for the UN to lift its
sanctions, he added.



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