
Opening the Secret Files on Lumumba's Murder

By Stephen R. Weissman

Sunday, July 21, 2002

In his latest film, "Minority Report," director Steven
Spielberg portrays a policy of "preemptive action" gone
wild in the year 2054. But we don't have to peer into
the future to see what harm faulty intelligence and the
loss of our moral compass can do. U.S. policies during
the Cold War furnish many tragic examples. One was U.S.
complicity in the overthrow and murder of Congolese
Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.

Forty-one years ago, Lumumba, the only leader ever
democratically elected in Congo, was delivered to his
enemies, tortured and summarily executed. Since then,
his country has been looted by the U.S.-supported
regime of Mobutu Sese Seko and wracked by regional and
civil war. The conventional explanation of Lumumba's
death has been that he was murdered by Congolese rivals
after earlier U.S. attempts to kill him, including a
plot to inject toxins into his food or toothpaste,

In 1975, the U.S. Senate's "Church Committee" probed
CIA assassination plots and concluded there was "no
evidence of CIA involvement in bringing about the death
of Lumumba."

Not so. I have obtained classified U.S. government
documents, including a chronology of covert actions
approved by a National Security Council (NSC) subgroup,
that reveal U.S. involvement in -- and significant
responsibility for -- the death of Lumumba, who was
mistakenly seen by the Eisenhower administration as an
African Fidel Castro.

The documents show that the key Congolese leaders who
brought about Lumumba's downfall were players in
"Project Wizard," a CIA covert action program. Hundreds
of thousands of dollars and military equipment were
channeled to these officials, who informed their CIA
paymasters three days in advance of their plan to send
Lumumba into the clutches of his worst enemies.

Other new details: The U.S. authorized payments to
then-President Joseph Kasavubu four days before he
ousted Lumumba, furnished Army strongman Mobutu with
money and arms to fight pro-Lumumba forces, helped
select and finance an anti-Lumumba government, and
barely three weeks after his death authorized new funds
for the people who arranged Lumumba's murder.

Moreover, these documents show that the plans and
payments were approved by the highest levels of the
Eisenhower administration, either the NSC or its
"Special Group," consisting of the national security
adviser, CIA director, undersecretary of state for
political affairs, and deputy defense secretary.

These facts are four decades old, but are worth
unearthing for two reasons. First, Congo (known for
years as Zaire) is still struggling to establish
democracy and stability. By facing up to its past role
in undermining Congo's fledgling democracy, the United
States might yet contribute to Congo's future.

Second, the U.S. performance in Congo is relevant to
our struggle against terrorism. It shows what can
happen when, inthe quest for national security, we
abandon the democratic principles and rule of law we
are fighting to defend.

In February, Belgium, the former colonial power in
Congo, issued a thousand-page report that acknowledged
"an irrefutable portion of responsibility in the events
that led to the death of Lumumba."

Unlike Belgium, the United States has admitted no such
moral responsibility. Over the years, scholars
(including myself) and journalists have written that
American policy played a major role in the ouster and
assassination of Lumumba. But the full story remained
hidden in U.S. documents, which, like those I have
examined, are still classified despite the end of the
Cold War, the end of the Mobutu regime and Belgium's
confession. Here's what they tell us that, until now,
we didn't know, or didn't know for certain: In August
1960, the CIA established Project Wizard. Congo had
been independent only a month, and Lumumba, a
passionate nationalist, had become prime minister, with
a plurality of seats in the parliament. But U.S.
presidential candidate John F. Kennedy was vowing to
meet "the communist challenge" and Eisenhower's NSC was
worried that Lumumba would tilt toward the Soviets. The
U.S. documents show that over the next few months, the
CIA worked with and made payments to eight top
Congolese -- including President Kasavubu, Mobutu (then
army chief of staff), Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko,
top finance aide Albert Ndele, Senate President Joseph
Ileo and labor leader Cyrille Adoula -- who all played
roles in Lumumba's downfall.

The CIA joined Belgium in a plan, detailed in the
Belgian report, for Ileo and Adoula to engineer a
no-confidence vote in Lumumba's government, which would
be followed by union-led demonstrations, the
resignations of cabinet ministers (organized by Ndele)
and Kasavubu's dismissal of Lumumba.

On Sept. 1, the NSC's Special Groupauthorized CIA
payments to Kasavubu, the U.S. documents say. On Sept.
5, Kasavubu fired Lumumba in a decree of dubious
legality. However, Kasavubu and his new prime minister,
Ileo, proved lethargic over the following week as
Lumumba rallied supporters. So Mobutu seized power on
Sept. 14. He kept Kasavubu as president and established
a temporary "College of Commissioners" to replace the
disbanded government. The CIA financed the College and
influenced the selection of commissioners. The College
was dominated by two Project Wizard participants:
Bomboko, its president, and Ndele, its vice-president.
Another CIA ally, Lumumba party dissident Victor
Nendaka, was appointed chief of the security police.

On Oct. 27, the NSC Special Group approved $250,000 for
the CIA to win parliamentary support for a Mobutu
government. However, when legislators balked at
approving any prime minister other than Lumumba, the
parliament remained closed. The CIA money went to
Mobutu personally and the commissioners.

On Nov. 20, the Special Group authorized the CIA to
provide arms, ammunition, sabotage materials and
training to Mobutu's military in the event it had to
resist pro-Lumumba forces. The full extent of what one
U.S. document calls the "intimate" relationship between
the CIA and Congolese leaders was absent from the
Church Committee report. The only covert action (apart
from the assassination plots) the committee discussed
was the August 1960 effort to promote labor opposition
and a no-confidence vote in the Senate.

How did Lumumba die? After being ousted Sept. 5,
Lumumba rallied support in parliament and the
international community. When Mobutu took over, U.N.
troops protected Lumumba, but soon confined him to his
residence. Lumumba escaped on Nov. 27. Days later he
was captured by Mobutu's troops, beaten and arrested.
What happened next is clearer thanks to the Belgian
report and the classified U.S. documents. As early as
Christmas Eve 1960, College of Commissioners' president
Bomboko offered to hand Lumumba over to two
secessionist leaders who had vowed to kill him. One
declined and nothing happened until mid-January 1961,
when the central government's political and military
position deteriorated and troops guarding Lumumba (then
jailed on a military base near the capital) mutinied.
CIA and other Western officials feared a Lumumba

On Jan. 14, the commissioners asked Kasavubu to move
Lumumba to a "surer place." There was "no doubt," the
Belgian inquiry concluded, that Mobutu agreed. Kasavubu
told security chief Nendaka to transfer Lumumba to one
of the secessionist strongholds. On Jan. 17, Nendaka
sent Lumumba to the Katanga region. That night, Lumumba
and two colleagues were tortured and executed in the
presence of members of the Katangan government. No
official announcement was made for four weeks. What did
the U.S. government tell its Congolese clients during
the last three days of Lumumba's life? The Church
Committee reported that a Congolese "government leader"
advised the CIA's Congo station chief, Larry Devlin, on
Jan. 14 that Lumumba was to be sent to "the home
territory" of his "sworn enemy." Yet, according to the
Church Committee and declassified documents, neither
the CIA nor the U.S. embassy tried to save the former
prime minister.

The CIA may not have exercised robotic control over its
covert political action agents, but the failure of
Devlin or the U.S. embassy to question the plans for
Lumumba could only be seen by the Congolese as consent.
After all, secret CIA programs had enabled this group
to achieve political power, and the CIA had worked from
August through November 1960 to assassinate or abduct
Lumumba. Here, the classified U.S. chronology provides
an important postscript. On Feb. 11, 1961, with U.S.
reports from Congo strongly indicating Lumumba was
dead, the Special Group authorized $500,000 for
political action, troop payments and military
equipment, largely to the people who had arranged
Lumumba's murder. Devlin has sought to distance himself
from Lumumba's death. While the CIA was in close
contact with the Congolese officials involved, Devlin
told the Church Committee that those officials "were
not acting under CIA instructions if and when they did
this." In a recent phone conversation with Devlin, I
posed the issue of U.S. responsibility for Lumumba's
death. He acknowledged that, "It was important to
[these] cooperating leaders what the U.S. government
thought." But he said he did "not recall" receiving
advance word of Lumumba's transfer. Devlin added that
even if he had objected, "That would not have stopped
them from doing it."

By evading its share of moral responsibility for
Lumumba's fate, the United States blurs African and
American history and sidesteps the need to make
reparation for yesterday's misdeeds through today's

In 1997, after the Mobutu regime fell, the Congolese
democratic opposition pleaded in vain for American and
international support. Since then, as many as 3 million
lives have been lost as a result of civil and regional
war. The United States has not supported a strong U.N.
peacekeeping force or fostered a democratic transition.

The collapse in late April 2002 of negotiations between
Congolese factions threatens to reignite the smoldering
conflict or ratify the partition of the country.

Our government's actions four decades ago in Congo also
have special meaning after the tragedy of Sept. 11.
They warn that even as we justly defend our land and
our people against terrorists, we must avoid the
excessive fear and zeal that lead to destructive
intervention betraying our most fundamental principles.


Stephen Weissman is author of "A Culture of Deference;
Congress's Failure of Leadership in Foreign Policy"
(Basic Books). He was staff director of the U.S. House
of Representatives subcommittee on Africa from 1986 to

2002 The Washington Post Company


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