
The Hindustan Times
October 4, 2002


Cost of one bullet 

The post-Cold War world, which leaves a single
superpower with no balancer, is now getting truly

Carrot-and-stick was the age-old trick of great powers
— to be used against those they wished to bring to
heel. In the era of superpower rivalry, the threat of
massive retaliation did just as well. All of that
succeeded in making the world a fairly unsafe place,
though it was maintained that the balance of terror
was instrumental in holding the peace. Even that
uncertain theoretical construct has now been removed.

Not content with postulating the patently self-serving
doctrine of “pre-emption” in a bid to prepare the
ground for a military attack on Iraq, the US now
appears to have decided to tread the dangerous and
ethically forbidden territory of ordering the
assassination of a head of government, though this is
forbidden by American law except when the killing
occurs in the course of a US-backed coup. In effect,
then, the US law is flexible and this suits President
George W. Bush perfectly. The White House Press
Secretary, Ari Fleischer, has said that “the cost of
one bullet” to take out Saddam Hussein would achieve
the US goal of a regime change more quickly and
cheaply than an American attack which could cost up to
$200 billion.

Mr Fleischer has, of course, taken care to note that
the Iraqi leader’s assassination should be carried out
by Iraqis themselves. In June, however, the president
reportedly signed an intelligence order directing the
CIA to undertake a comprehensive programme to topple
Mr Hussein. Thus, Mr Fleischer is unlikely to be taken
at face value when he says that his “one bullet”
observation “is not a statement of administration
policy”. When in the past the US sought the
assassination of Fidel Castro (who is fortunate to be
still with us), Salvador Allende and Patrice Lumumba,
it relied on secrecy. In contrast, the White House
official’s remarks stand out as brazen. Quite clearly,
America’s Iraq gambit is not only about disarmament.

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