
As EU, NATO invitations loom, Latvia votes for a new

-Placed a close third in recent polls is the left
leaning For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL),
which campaigns on behalf of the country's Russian
speakers, who represent almost a third of the
population. Many of them are Soviet era settlers who
have not naturalised and have no voting rights.

RIGA, Oct 3 (AFP) - The ex-Soviet state of Latvia goes
to the polls on Saturday to choose the team which will
steer the Baltic country through to membership of the
European Union and NATO.

The government which emerges from the 100-strong
parliament elected by the 1.4 million voters will be
tasked with pushing Latvia towards the finishing line
in its EU membership talks by end year and ensuring
that it gets its expected invitation to join the NATO
military alliance at a November summit in Prague.

The latest opinion polls show that voters in the
chilly country of 2.35 million people are unimpressed
by the efforts of the Latvia's Way party of Prime
Minister Andris Berzins, and suggest that another
coalition government is likely.

With two and a half years at the helm Berzins is the
country's longest standing prime minister. However,
polls suggest that he will get only 5.5 percent of the
vote, just enough to squeeze his party back into
parliament under the country's system of proportional

Although Berzins has all but ensured Latvia gets into
the EU and NATO and helped the Latvian economy buck
the global downturn last year, growing by 7.6 percent,
that is cold comfort to the eight percent of the
population which is out of work, sidelined by the slow
modernisation of old Soviet-era businesses.

"The benefits ... that we're proud of are not things
that come overnight. Closing EU chapters doesn't mean
anything to the man on the street," Berzins' advisor
Peteris Elferts acknowledged.

Latvia has ploughed through all but three of the 31
negotiating areas, or "chapters" in EU speak, it needs
to conclude before it gets confirmation in December
that it is ready to join the EU in 2004.

"Latvia's economy is booming and it's on the verge of
achieving major foreign policy goals, but the election
is up in the air," said Pauls Raudseps, editor of the
leading daily Diena.

Although it has raced ahead its EU and NATO membership
preparations, Latvia's efforts to join both
organisations have been dogged by concerns over its
record in fighting corruption.

Benefiting from what is perceived as a poor
performance by Berzins has been the centre-right
People's Party of Andris Skele, a coalition partner,
which led the pack in the latest Latvijas Fakti poll
with 14.9 percent support.

However, a bitter row between coalition partners threw
a cat among the pigeons just days before the election.

As the poll approached Berzins sacked his People's
Party Interior Minister Mareks Seglins, saying he had
orchestrated the detention by law enforcement agents
of a senior Latvia's Way official who had been
involved in underhand campaign tactics.

The row could tip the balance in favor of the
right-of-center New Era party, formed earlier this
year by a popular former central bank head, Einars
Repse, on a ticket of transparency and efficiency.

Despite spurning the use of advertising, New Era led
in opinion polls until a few weeks ago and was close
to the People's Party in the latest Latvijas Fakti
poll at 13.6 percent.

But any New Era victory is unlikely to be overwhelming
due to the country's proportional representation
system, Karlis Streips, a political commentator for
Radio Latvia, said.

Placed a close third in recent polls is the left
leaning For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL),
which campaigns on behalf of the country's Russian
speakers, who represent almost a third of the
population. Many of them are Soviet era settlers who
have not naturalised and have no voting rights.

The situation of the Russian minority has proved a
regular bone of contention between Riga and its former
Soviet master Russia.

For Fatherland and Freedom, the third partner in the
government coalition, has fared badly in opinion polls
having been seen to have done badly at its job of
managing the health system.

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