Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 19:52:10 -0700
Subject: [imc-la]UPDATE: Sunday Oct 6 protest in L.A.

UPDATE: Sunday Oct 6 protest in L.A.

Not In Our Name  

Nationwide protests. Twenty two cities so far. Among the other big cities are San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Seattle, and, of course, New York City.

For the L.A. protest, we have an amazing lineup of 30+ speakers, musicians, spoken word, and more - in addition to the march itself.

Hip hop, folk, Sonali Kolhatkar from KFPK and the Afghanistan Women's Mission, Tibetan gongs, Blase Bonpane from the Office of the Americas, DJ's, ministers, and lots more.

L.A. demonstration
Sunday Oct 6, 1-6 PM
Federal Building in Westwood.
11000 Wilshire.
1 block east of the 405 fwy, between Sepulveda and Veteran

1 PM: Rally - speakers, spoken word, music

2 PM: March to U.S. Army Reserve/California National Guard (Wilshire and

3 PM: Return to Federal Bldg. More music, poetry, speakers.

Exit the San Diego (405) on Wilshire East. If Wilshire off ramps are closed by police, get off at the next exit, follow Sepulveda to
Wilshire. Parking could be problematic. Arrive early! Pay parking available in Westwood. There is also some street parking. Parking not allowed in Federal Building lots.

A quick explanation  

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