
Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

The location of American bases in Bulgaria is unlikely
before our NATO accession

When we become a full NATO member we will be a part of
this structure and then we’ll be able to make
proposals for location of foreign bases here, said for
BNR the Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Lubomir Todorov.
He defined the variant for bilateral agreement for
location of US bases in Bulgaria in the period of
pre-NATO accession as unlikely, but not impossible. 
Lubomir Todorov also pointed out that a new concept
for structuring of the Alliance military forces is
probably impending. It is to affect the new sources of
threat and to optimize the system of security after
the enlargement. 

Regarding the information that the delegations of some
of the UN Security Council member countries, as well
as the Bulgarian delegation have been tapped by the US
special services, the Foreign Ministry Spokesman said
that first of all the source of these statements
should be made clear, then the case should be
investigated and then we can talk of an official
Bulgarian reaction. 

If the information is confirmed, there most probably
will be a reaction on our part and it will be in the
form of rapid protest, said Lubomir Todorov. 

Bulgaria Today
March 4, 2003

US Bases Location in State Possible 

The problem of location of NATO military bases in
Bulgaria is to be discussed only after the country
enters the Alliance, spokesman of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs announced.

He explained that a new concept of NATO military
forces restructures would probably be applied. It is
to cover the new sources of threats and optimize the
security system after the enlargement. When Bulgaria
becomes a NATO member it will be a part of this
structure and than location of foreign bases will be
possible, Foreign Ministry spokesman declared. Todorov
added that offering location of military bases in
foreign countries was an ordinary NATO practice. 

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