
Date sent:              Sun, 09 Mar 2003 15:02:52 -0500
From:                   Donna Stainsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                A threat to Canadas sovereignty-- Granma International
To:                     marxmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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CANADIAN James Sabzali has been found guilty of trading with Cuba and is
waiting to be sentenced a few days time. He is currently under house
arrest in Philadelphia; an electronic tag attached to his ankle monitors
his movements.

According to the Canadian press, Sabzali is accompanied by his wife and
their two children. She says that the tagging is the worst part of what
is happening.

Sabzali, aged 42, was the defendant in a three-week trial in that city,
charged with the heinous crime of selling water-purifying chemicals to
Cuban hospitals. For this, he had to face a three-week trial in
Philadelphia and was found guilty on April 5, 2002. Nonetheless, the
European Union and Canadian governments vote in favor of U.S. prepared
resolutions against Cuba at the Human Rights Commission in Geneva.

James Sabzali was born in Trinidad, later moving to Hamilton, Canada,
where he worked from 1991-96 as a sales representative and marketing
director for Purolite International Inc., an Ottawa-based subsidiary of
the U.S. company Bro Tech Corporation. His job took him to Havana on
more than 20 occasions; in 1996, he was transferred to Philadelphia as
head of the firm. It was in that city that he was prosecuted for alleged
crimes committed in Canada and found guilty on eight of the 20 charges
brought against him.

The 12 remaining charges refer to shipments from Bro Tech offices in
Canada, Mexico, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Those countries do
not recognize the U.S. blockade of Cuba, which has been in place for
more than 40 years. In any event the products, at a value of $2 million
USD over five years, were never exported to Cuba from the United States,
but from Britain and Canada.


According to the BBC, Sabzali is the first Canadian to be tried and
sentenced for violating U.S. legislation related to the U.S. war against
Cuba. Washington applies a strict economic, commercial and financial
blockade against Cuba, based on the U.S. Trading with the Enemy Act,
which dates back to 1917, amended on various occasions and discredited
in its use against the little but great Caribbean island.

The UN General Assembly has almost unanimously condemned those sanctions.

The Canadian government’s Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Department has objected to Sabzali’s trial, affirming that it is
unacceptable that he should be sentenced for something that is not a
crime in his country.

In an article titled It isn’t our embargo, written when Sabzali was
found guilty, The Toronto Star daily, which has been urging the
government to protest at the extraterritorial application of U.S. law
since the three-week trial began, stated that it was a relic from the
cold war¼ an inexplicable violation of Canadian sovereignty, with the
added irony that it came on the same day that a U.S. enterprise
announced sales to Cuba worth $100 million USD.

Full article at:

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