
AFP. 13 March 2003. Madrid universities slam Spain's "servile" attitude
toward US over Iraq.

MADRID -- Some 10,000 university students and professors demonstrated in
the Spanish capital Thursday to denounce what they called their
government's "servile" attitude in supporting the United States
throughout the Iraq crisis.

Protestors carried banners scrawled with fiery slogans such as "Servile
Aznar, why don't you go to war yourself" and "Ban Bush."

Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's conservative government is a key
supporter of US President George Bush, although popular opinion in Spain
is hard set against war.

"Aznar you stink of petrol" and "No more blood for oil" read other
banners at the rally, which drew 10,000 people, according to an AFP
correspondant present at the scene.

A respectable distance away from the loudspeakers, four deans of the
Complutense University, Madrid's main public faculty, came to forge a
common front with their students.

"We are here because we are absolutely opposed to the action led by
Aznar, by his government and by the government of Bush," said the dean
of veterinary studies, Manuel Rodriguez.

Rodriguez was joined by Jose Maria Gomez, from the faculty of physics,
Manuel Paralo from the faculty of fine arts and Pepe Carrillo, from the
faculty of mathematics.

Although he said he had few illusions over the impact of anti-war
protest on government policy, Rodriguez stressed that demonstrating was
a way of "expressing our anger."

If war breaks out, Rodriguez plans to join a planned strike movement,
dubbed "assembly against war."

"The day the invasion starts, we will take to the streets and the entire
university will go on strike," explained Sandra, a journalism student.

Demonstrators wrapped up the protest by reading out a manifesto
demanding an end to "the programmed massacre of the Iraqi population by
the imperial elites."

A major protest is planned for Saturday in Madrid, in response to a call
by opposition parties, trade unions and cultural organisations opposed
to war.

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with photo


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