
AP. 15 March 2003. Thousands turn out in France in support of anti-war

PARIS -- Several thousand anti-war protesters, including a contingent of
Americans, turned out in Paris on Saturday for a march underscoring
popular support here for President Jacques Chirac's drive to block a
quick US-led invasion of Iraq.

Demonstrators gathered in Paris' Place de la Nation held up a huge
American flag with a Nazi swastika painted over the stars and the words
"killers and criminals" written over the stripes.

The protest was held in a festival atmosphere, with food stalls selling
sandwiches and cold drinks and vans fitted with sound systems blasting
pop music and anti-war slogans.

"Drop Bush, Not Bombs" chanted a small group from the Americans Against
The War coalition, which issued a statement thanking the French
government for spearheading efforts to prevent another Gulf war.

"It's our president who is starting it, so we've got to do something,"
said Marie Gorsline, a native of New York who has lived in France for
the past 30 years, referring to U.S. President George W. Bush.

"To those who want to bomb the world, the world says: Resistance," read
a banner hoisted by the crowd.

"From New York to Paris, London to Baghdad, the whole world says not to
war," said another placard.

There was a heavy Muslim element to the march, with many people holding
signs written in Arabic and waiving Palestinian flags.

Protests organized by some 70 labor unions, leftist political parties
and human rights groups were also held in dozens of other French cities,
including Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse.

The leaders of France's five most powerful labor unions wrote a joint
letter to the U.S. Ambassador in Paris, Howard H. Leach, urging him to
intervene with U.S. President George W. Bush "so that he gives every
possible chance to peace."

The opposition Socialist Party, meanwhile, adopted Saturday a resolution
urging Chirac to remain steadfast in his opposition to military action
and, if necessary, use France's veto in the U.N. Security Council to
block any resolution clearing the way for war.

"Today, nothing justifies war, the work of the U.N. weapons inspectors
is ongoing," the party said.

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with photos


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