
UPI. 15 March 2003. Anti-war slogans ring again in Washington.

WASHINGTON --  Washington rang again with anti-war slogans Saturday as
protesters from across the nation poured into the nation's capital.

They planned to peacefully march around the White House later Saturday
to tell President George W. Bush not to go to war against Iraq.

The protesters were supported by 70 former members of Congress who asked
Bush to give U.N. weapons inspectors more time.

"Let us give peace a chance. Let us pull back from the brink of war,"
the former lawmakers said in a statement.

Encouraged by a sunny Saturday morning, protesters in Washington
unfurled banners and collected donations to help the organizers who
brought thousands of people from places as far away as Florida and

People gathered at the march route -- from the Washington Monument to
the White House and back -- early Saturday morning as buses continued to
bring more demonstrators every hour.

"No war, no blood for oil," they shouted, keeping time with the drums
that were beaten all day.

"Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld: the real axis of evil," said one banner.

"No to mother of all bombs," said another.

"Don't kill the children of Iraq," shouted a protester struggling to
unfurl her banner.

Organizers said the events in the U.N. Security Council and the
reluctance of allies like Turkey to endorse the U.S.-move shows the
entire world is against this war.

The Bush administration, they said, would be committing a war crime if
it went to war now.

"We feel that it's not too late for the people to stop this war. There's
still hope," said Tony Murphy of the International ANSWER coalition, the
main march organizer."

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with photos


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