
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   March 16th 2003, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   New Peace Initiative Unveiled Before Crisis Summit

   Last-ditch diplomatic efforts are underway as leaders Bush, 
   Blair and Aznar meet for a crisis summit on Iraq later on Sunday.
   France, Germany and Russia have floated a new proposal to 
   resolve the conflict peacefully.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_809162_1_A,00.html


   Azores prepare for summit, Iraq goes on war footing

   The leaders of the United States, Britain and Spain will meet later
   on Sunday for a crisis summit on Iraq. President George W. Bush, and
   Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Jose Maria Aznar have said their
   meeting in the Azores is not a war council. However, UN officials
   have played down hopes of a last-minute diplomatic breakthrough.
   Before leaving for the Azores, Bush said he saw little chance of
   Iraq disarming peacefully. US officials said there was no fixed
   timetable but added that Bush would in the near future address the
   nation issuing a final ultimatum to Saddam Hussein and allowing
   civilians to leave Iraq. The Iraqi leader has meanwhile stepped up
   his war preparations by dividing the country into four military
   zones in anticipation of an assault by US and British troops.

   Cheney, Powell warn time is running out

   US Vice President Dick Cheney has said that President George W. Bush
   would make a "difficult decision" on Iraq in the next few days. He
   also said that diplomatic efforts to avert a military showdown were
   coming to an end. Meanwhile Secretary of State Colin Powell has said
   he sees little point in holding a new UN Security Council meeting on
   Iraq given the current differences among council members. He has
   also urged arms inspectors and journalists to leave Baghdad
   describing the situation as very dangerous. He said there was not
   only the danger of military action but also the possibility they
   could be taken hostage.

   Germany urges nationals to leave Iraq

   Germany has urged all its nationals to leave Iraq immediately. The
   Foreign Ministry said it would close the German embassy in Baghdad
   as soon as evacuation plans for some remaining 40 nationals had been
   finalised. A spokeswoman did not say why Germans were being asked to
   leave now but she said the German government was still seeking a
   peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis.

   Belgium threatens to block access to US forces

   Belgium has threatened to block its airspace and the vital port of
   Antwerp to US forces if Washington attacks Iraq without a UN
   mandate. Belgium says such a move would be unlawful. US military
   planners have been using the port of Antwerp to ship equipment from
   neighbouring Germany to the Gulf region.

   Key Djindjic ally nominated as new prime minister

   The party of the assassinated Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic
   has nominated his senior ally to be the new premier. The Democratic
   Party's choice, Zoran Zivkovic, will have to be approved by
   parliament. Observers say that Zivkovic would carry on from where
   Djindjic left off and continue political and economic reforms. His
   nomination comes a day after the slain prime minister was laid to
   rest with full military honours following a funeral procession
   attended by hundreds of thousands mourners. Djindjic was hit by
   sniper bullets on Wednesday outside a government building in
   Belgrade. Police believe he was killed by criminal gangs in response
   for his crackdown on organised crime.

   Singapore Doctor in bad condition

   The condition of a Singapore doctor suspected of contracting a
   deadly type of pneumonia is said to be worsening. The 32-year-old
   man was taken off a flight to Singapore at Germany's Frankfurt
   airport and placed in an isolation unit. Doctors there said he was
   in a bad way. Experts say the unknown pneumonia strain has already
   killed at least nine people and infected hundreds of others. On
   Saturday the World Health Organisation issued a global health alert
   saying the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome had spread beyond Asia
   where it first broke out last month.

   Rebels say they are in control of capital

   Rebel forces in the Central African Republic say they are in control
   of the capital Bangui after seizing the city's airport and the
   presidential palace. The coup attempt began on Saturday after heavy
   gunfire was heard near the home of President Ange-Felix Patasse who
   was out of the country at the time. The rebels loyal to former army
   chief Francois Bozizé said there had been little resistance by
   government forces. They urged the military to return to their
   barracks. A rebel spokesman said Bozizé, who was sacked by Patasse
   in 2001, would address the nation soon.

   At least 6 dead in Assam bomb blast

   At least six people have been killed and 55 others injured in a bomb
   blast in the Indian state of Assam. Police believe the explosion to
   be the work of suspected separatist rebels belonging to the United
   Liberation Front of Asom. A spokesman said the bomb went off
   alongside two buses near the town of Goalpara.

   Paerson wins giant slalom world cup by one point

   In skiing, Sweden's Anja Paerson has won the women's giant slalom
   world cup by one point from Italian Karen Putzer. She won the
   season's final race in Lillehammer ahead of her teammate Denise
   Karbon. Austria's Nicole Hosp finished third. Paerson went into the
   race with a 56-point lead over Putzer. She finished fifth which was
   just enough to claim the overall trophy with 514 points to Putzer's

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