
Syrian parliament slams US threat to "massacre the
Iraqi people" 

DAMASCUS, March 19 (AFP) - The Syrian parliament has
condemned what it says is a US threat to massacre the
Iraqi people and destroy the country's ancient
civilisation, the official SANA news agency reported

"Tens of millions have said no to war, but the forces
of aggression today threaten to massacre the Iraqi
people and destroy the civilisation of Iraq," SANA
quoted parliament speaker Naji Otri as saying.

"We categorically condemn and reject this unjust war
that will be waged against our people in Iraq," Otri
added during a session of parliament late Tuesday.

He described the United States as "forces of
aggression and hegemony who are defying the
international will."

An official Syrian spokesman said Tuesday that the US
ultimatum for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to leave
the country by Thursday or face war was "in
contradiction to the charter, the resolutions and the
aims of the United Nations".

"Any military action that would result (from the
ultimatum) would destroy the principles upon which the
international order is founded," the spokesman said in
a statement.

Syria was one of the few Arab states to side with Iran
in its bloody 1980-88 war with Iraq, but patched up
relations with the Baghdad regime in recent years.

As the sole Arab member of the UN Security Council, it
supported the tough new disarmament regime established
for Iraq last year but has since come out strongly
against US-led war threats.

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